5 圍巾 scarf 6 種子 seed
1.meet --met2.give--gave 3.ride-- rode4. sing-- sang 5.run--run 6.send--sent7. make--made 8.stay--stayed 9.find--found
壹盒蠟筆a box of crayons 壹些顏料 some paints 整理房間 clean up the room
壹塊魔法石頭a magic stone在爸爸的作坊裏in father's workshop 壹盒釘子 a box of nail掉到地板上fellon the floor 小心點becareful 試試這塊石頭 try this stone
把石頭放在釘子旁邊 put stone near by nail 粘在石頭上sticky on the stones
把T恤衫放在妳的房間裏put T-shirt to your room
1 看看妳的臥室。多麽亂啊?這是誰的透明膠?是妳的嗎?不,不是我的。這是charlie的。
Look at your bedroom, What a mess! Whose scotch tape is this? It's yours? No, it's not mine, it's Charlie's.
Are those Tom's picturebooks? No, they aren't, they are my sister's.
3 我找不到我的膠水了。剛才我還在課桌上看到它的。我能用壹下妳的嗎?
I cann't find my glue. I saw it on my desk just now. May I use yours?