古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 歌詞裏有TOGETHER,NEVER還有MYSLF use to be的壹首英文歌

歌詞裏有TOGETHER,NEVER還有MYSLF use to be的壹首英文歌

想看簡略的在最後)我是LP迷,所以只有他們的歌拉~~1.wake 2.given up 3.leave out all the rest

4.bleed it out 5.shadow of the day 6.what ive done

7.hands held high 8.no more sorrow 9.valentines day

10.in between 11.in pieces 12.the little things give you away

13.what ive done 14.faint (live) 15.from the inside (live)

16.One Perfect Something 17.No way 18.Feel (demo '01) (bonus track)

19.Screaming at space (bonus track) 20.[Qwety] (Live Somer Sonic '06) (bonus track) 21.Stand!

22.Bleed It Out 23.Get through 24.What I've Done

25.In this world 26.The Little Things Give You Away 27.Hold nothing back

28.Over the top 29.Promisse 30.Real life

31.Afraid This Time 32.2.Worlds 33.Until The End

34.Collapsing the unit 35.We Use the Pain 36.pushing me away (live)

37.breaking the habbit (live) 38.reading my eyes (live) 39.announcement service public

40.qwerty 41.qwerty (live) 42.in the end (techno rmx)

43.kyur4 the ich (reanimation version) 44.cure for the itch 45.by myself (marylin manson rmx)

46.mike 47.hit the floor (noise instrumental project) 48.in the end (club rmx)

49.giving in (feat. adema) 50.a place for my head (long down vocal instrumental mix project) 51.my december (down mix instrumental project)

52.session 53.in the end (down mix instrumental project) 54.its going down (feat. xecutioers)

55.one step closer (cut off instrumental project) 56.crawling (down beat instrumental project) 57.faint (beat only instrumental project)

58.papercut (rewind instrumental project) 59.Intro (Live) 60.Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying form You (Live)

61.Big Pimpin/Papercut (Live) 62.Jigga What/Faint (Live) 63.Numb/Encore (Live)

64.Izzo/in the End (Live) 65.Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer (Live) 66.Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You

67.Big Pimpin'/Papercut 68.Jigga What/Faint 69.Numb/Encore

70.Izzo/In The End 71.Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer 72.Numb / Encore (Bonus Beat)

73.Numb / Encore 74.Numb / Encore (Clean Version) 75.Numb / Encore (Instrumental)

76.Numb / Encore (A Cappella) 77.Numb / Encore (A Cappella Clean Version) 78.From The Inside

79.Runaway (Live) 80.From The Inside (Live) 81.Don't Stay

82.Figure.09 83.With You 84.By Myself

85.A Place For My Head 86.Somewhere I Belong 87.Lying from You

88.Paper Cut 89.Points of Authority 90.Runaway

91.Faint 92.From the Inside 93.Pushing Me Away

94.Numb 95.Crawling 96.In the End

97.One Step Closer 98.A.06 99.With You (Live)

100.Points of Authority (Crystal Method Remix) 101.Dedicated (Demo 1999) 102.High Voltage (Live)

103.My December 104.Foreword 105.Don't stay

106.Somewhere I belong 107.Lying from you 108.Hit the floor

109.Easier to run 110.Faint 111.Figure 09

112.Breaking the habit 113.From the inside 114.Nobody's listening

115.Session 116.Numb 117.Opening

118.Pts.Of.Athrty / Jay Gordon 119.Enth E Nd / Kutmasta Kurt Feat Motion Man 120.[Chali]

121.Frgt/10 / Alchemist Feat Chali 2na 122.P5hng Me A*wy / Mike Shinoda Feat Stephen Richards 123.Plc.4 Mie Haed / Amp Live Feat Zion

124.X-Ecutioner Style / Feat Black Thought 125.H! Vltg3 / Evidence Feat Pharoahe Monch & Dj Babu 126.[Riff Raff]

127.Wth>you / Chairman Hahn Feat Aceyalone 128.Ntr\mssion 129.Ppr:kut / Cheapshot & Jubacca Feat Rasco & Planet Asia

130.Rnw@y / Backyard Bangers Feat Phoenix Orion 131.My 132.[Stef]

133.By_Myslf / Josh Abraham & Mike Shinoda 134.Kyur4 The Ich / Chairman Hahn 135.1stp Klosr / The Humble Brothers Feat Jonathan Davis

136.Papercut 137.One Step Closer 138.With You

139.Points Of Authority 140.Crawling 141.Runaway

142.By Myself 143.In The End 144.A Place For My Head

145.Forgotten 146.Cure For The Itch 147.Pushing Me Away

148.part of me 149.the down syndrome 150.she shines-wos

151.my december 152.a place for my head 153.carousel

154.high voltage 155.i just want your company 156.points of authority (second mix)

157.papercut (japan edit) 158.under attack (crawling) 159.my reason

160.wake me 161.and one 162.step up

163.runaway (11-09 version) 164.forgotten (cut edit) 165.high voltage (wtc mix)

166.one step closer (live at the mtv vma 2001)


專輯名稱:Hybrid Theory

歌手組合:Linkin Park


唱片公司:Warner Brother



01.one step closer

02.Pushing Me Away


04.in the end

05.With You

06.Points Of Authority



09.By Myself

10.A Place For My Head


12.Cure For The Itch


“Linkin Park”新世代的音樂頑童,無門無派,嬉笑怒罵遊走於各門各派之間,博采眾家之長,盡情炫出E時代音樂風情,不經意間,首張大碟《Hybird Theory混合理論》狂賣1500萬張,銷量驚人。終成大器的Linkin'Park在世界範圍內狂掀陣陣Linkin熱浪,引發壹場場"時尚風暴"。也因為樂隊成員的亞裔血統而使亞洲不甘人後的新壹代青年發現自身力量,沖鋒陷陣於世界時尚的最前沿。Linkin'Park帶給我們的不僅僅是混合的音樂、前衛的時尚,在他的身後是新世代年輕人自由、博大、包容的精神世界。

專輯名稱:Collision Course

歌手組合:Linkin Park & Jay-Z


唱片公司:Warner Brothers



01.Izzo & In The End

02.Jigga What & Faint

03.Points of Authority & 99 Problems & One Step Closer

04.Big Pimpin' & Papercut

05.Dirt Off Your Shoulder & Lying From You

06.Numb & Encore


MTV Ultimate Mash-Ups is one of the biggest musical events in years, premiering on MTV with a show featuring the multi-platinum Linkin Park, the biggest contemporary rock band in the world, joining forces with the multi-platinum Jay-Z, one of the biggest stars in hip-hop. Mash-Ups brings together artists from different genres to seamlessly blend their songs, creating an exciting and unique musical experience. Offered in both CD-sized Digipak and Amaray package, it features a CD with versions of existing Linkin Park and Jay-Z tracks mixed together in the studio; and a DVD featuring two versions of them performing these Mash-Up tracks for MTV.


歌手組合:linkin park


唱片公司:Warner Brothers



01.From The Inside

02.Somewhere I Belong

03.Hit The Floor

04.Easier To Run

05.Breaking The Habit

06.Nobody's Listening

07.Don't Stay

08.Hit The Floor

09.Lying From You

10.Don't Stay






或許在兩年多前,相信沒有多少人能預料到這群來自南加州、二十歲左右的年輕人,會成為牽動今日全球樂壇的影響指標。然而事實是,Linkin Park於2000年底發表的以該團原始團名為標題的首張專輯《Hybrid Theory 混合理論》,成功地透過壹Vocal(Chester Bennington)與壹MC(Mike Shinoda)的雙主唱帶領,在音樂上呈現出揉合著電氣化/Hip Hop肌理的獨樹壹幟Nu-Metal/Mixture-Rock格局,得以獲著名重金屬雜誌Kerrang!選為“20張Nu-Metal體系代表名盤”。更重要的是,《Hybrid Theory混合理論》耐力十足地在2001年全面突圍,不僅成為2001年全美銷售總冠軍專輯締造無比耀眼的商業成績(至今更以累積壹千五百萬張的銷售量),更讓樂團贏得葛萊美獎“最佳重搖滾樂團”肯定、獲滾石雜誌選為“年度最佳風雲人物”!

同時值得稱許的是,壹夕成名並未讓Linkin Park迷失自我,反之我們見到該團壹方面積極地進行巡回演出求求包括發起邀集Adema、Cypress Hill***同演出的Projekt Revolution,另壹方面則邀集來自Nu-Metal(Korn、Orgy、Taproot、The Deftones)、Hip Hop(Kutmasta Kurt、Alchemist、X-Ecutioners、Black Thought、Evidence與DJ Babu)、電音(Kelli Ali、Humble Brothers)領域的音樂單位,以“再造”(Re-Creation)的概念,完成了壹張令人驚艷的混音專輯《Reanimation顛覆·混合理論》。當然Linkin Park為頂尖唱盤演奏團體X-Ecutioners專輯《Built From Scratch》跨刀合作壹曲It's Going Down,也為樂迷所津津樂道。

而歷經十八個月的籌制,Linkin Park終於再度與制作大將Don Gilmore(Eve 6、Pearl Jam、Rob Zombie)***同操刀完成這張以壹座希臘城市之名命名的全新Follow-Up專輯《Meteora》。主唱Chester Bennington表示首張大碟的空前成功無可避免地帶來壓力,但他們卻有自信不會帶來另壹張《Hybrid Theory混合理論》,反之《Meteora》正得以清楚讓聽著感受到壹個更為成熟、觀點更為明確的Linkin Park。

首支單曲"Somewhere I Belong"在幽悒吉他撥弦前導下,聽著Chester Bennington在副歌唱出充滿希望與期待的感受: "…/I want to let go of the pain I've held so long/I've wanted all along/Somewhere I belong",那份觸動心靈的程度絕對不亞於"In The End"。"Don't Stay"、"Lying From You"與"Hit The Floor"祭出宛如"Papercut"、"One Step Closer"的典型Linkin Park式必殺Nu-Metal方程式,但吉他音量與整體殺傷力明顯地更為剽悍。布滿神秘東洋色彩的Nobody's Listening加強了Hip Hop-Oriented肌理的構築,反映的是制作混音專輯《Reanimation顛覆·混合理論》後所吸納的音樂進化,而幾乎由Linkin Park靈魂核心之壹Mike Shinoda透過Pro-Tools完成的Instrumental Hip Hop樂章Session中,得以讓陣中DJ Joseph Hahn展露壹手純熟的Scratch技巧。最不容忽略的是Linkin Park是次所展現明顯不同於前作的創作格局求求弦樂剪影與Breakbeat Loop貫穿下的"Faint"爆發出連Pitchshifter也望塵莫及的Techno-Rock能量,而真正動用十人弦樂團伴奏、Chester Bennington認為是該團最佳創作的"Breaking The Habit",更是壹首令人驚艷的流暢Emo-Core搖滾樂章!

簡言之,《Meteora》就是壹張Linkin Park六位團員引以為傲的樂團顛峰狀態之作。

in the end(我最愛的),breaking the habit,numb,faint,don't stay,somewhere i belong....太多了,先試試,妳體會壹下什麽叫做轟炸的聲帶吧!還有by myself(聽聽把,誰還能這樣叫),one step closer(聽吧,這才是男人的孔!!!)