古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 分層 英語 急!!!!

分層 英語 急!!!!

1) layering


1.This paper studies the layering in tensile test of 10CrNiCu plate by ionizing impurities,metallographic and EPMA.


2.Exemplified by northern Tarim area of Xinjiang,the paper has also illustrated the achievements gained in layering,calculation of argillaceous material conten.


3.The application of laterolog-3 apparent resistivity to lithologic layering is discribed.

從三側向測井基本原理和三側向視電阻率的主要影響因素等方面探討了三側向視電阻率在巖性分層中的應用。2) stratification


1.Water column samples taken from the northern and the southern lake centers in Hongfeng lake in summer stratification were measured about their water temperature,pH,the concentration of HCO3,DO,Chla,NH+4,NO-3、and PO3-4.


2.Liquefied Natural Gas(LNG) is a kind of high quality and clean energy,but many accidents have taken places since it was widely used,and stratification is the necessary condition for rollover.


3.To calculate the stratification of liquid natural gas(LNG) in storage tank under temperature differential or density differential,the density current model has been established.

針對儲罐中液化天然氣(LNG)在溫度差和密度差下的分層行為,建立LNG分層的異重流模型,並利用Lorenz方程描述異重流下層的熱對流狀態。3) delamination


1.The present work aims at developing a fiber optic based technique to detect delamination at the web/flange junction of a GFRP I-beam based on the frequency domain analysis of ultrasonic echoes.


2.Experimental studies and theoretical analysis on compressive properties of composite laminates with the edge rectangular delamination defect were carried out.


3.Experimental study and theoretical analysis on compressive properties of composite laminates with center delamination defect were carried out.

通過考察層合板厚度(含鋪層形式)、分層位置與大小等因素對壓縮強度的影響,並采用局部屈曲、分層擴展以及軟化夾雜等3種模型對含分層層合板的壓縮強度進行了計算和破壞機理分析。4) inner and outer delamirnation

內分層與外分層5) layer-by-layer coal charging


1.The contact pattern of boiler auxiliary machinery was modified with the adoption of layer-by-layer coal charging technology,realizing secondary dedusting,improving the heat efficiency and reliability of boiler.
