and
then
時而,不時(置於句尾)
e.g.
He
went
to
see
his
grandmother
every
now
and
then.
他時而去看看他的祖母。
now
and
again
時而
e.g.
He
chops
in
now
and
again.
他不時插壹兩句話。
once
in
a
while
偶爾,有時(置於句尾)
e.g.
He
comes
to
see
me
once
in
a
while.
他現在是偶爾來看看我。
and
then
時而,不時(置於句尾)
e.g.
He
went
to
see
his
grandmother
every
now
and
then.
他時而去看看他的祖母。
now
and
again
時而
e.g.
He
chops
in
now
and
again.
他不時插壹兩句話。
once
in
a
while
偶爾,有時(置於句尾)
e.g.
He
comes
to
see
me
once
in
a
while.
他現在是偶爾來看看我。