古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - reason用法


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n. ( 名詞 noun )

1. 事 理由,原因,動機

* give [yield, render] a reason for 陳述…理由,說明,解釋

* have reason for [to do] 有必須的理由,有理由去(做),(做)…是對的(其強調形式為have every (raison d〔1304〕tat) [good] reason for...[to do...])

* reason(s) of state 國家的理由(常被統治者當作藉口)

* It is not altogether without reason that he grumbles. 他發牢騷並非毫無理由.

* The reason why he hesitates is that 他猶豫不決的原因是…(口語中有時用because代替that).

2. 事 邏 論據

3. 事 邏 前提 ( 尤指小前提 )

4. 事 哲 理性

* be restored to reason 恢復理智

* lose one's reason 失去理智

* Only man has reason. 只有人具有理性

* practical reason 實踐理性

* age of reason.

5. 事 廢 公平

* do sb reason. 公平對待某人.

6. 事 道理,情理

* There is reason in what you say.妳講得有道理.

* out of all reason不合理,不對頭(unreasonable)

* beyond [past] (all) reason毫無道理,全然無理

* hear [listen to] reason服從道理,服理

* see reason明白理由[道理]

* speak [talk] reason講合乎道理的話.

7. 事 正常神誌,正常的思想,健全的理智;推理力,判斷力;理智

* be restored to reason 恢復理智

* lose one's reason 失去理智

* Only man has reason. 只有人具有理性

* practical reason 實踐理性

* age of reason.

vt. ( 及物動詞 transitive verb )

1. 推斷,分析

* reason out a problem 分析壹問題.

2. 討論,論述

3. 論證

4. 古 用道理辯護[支持]

5. 勸喻,說服

* reason sb down 說服某人

* reason sb out of his obstinacy 勸說某人不要固執

* reason sb into compliance [doing his duties] 勸某人順從[盡義務]

* reason oneself into perplexity 不能自圓其說.

vi. ( 不及物動詞 intransitive verb )

1. 作邏輯思維,推理,推論,推斷

* reason from false premises 根據錯誤的前提進行推論.

2. 勸說,理喻

* I reasoned with him about the plan.我同他討論這項計劃.

3. 廢 討論,商談

* I reasoned with him about the plan.我同他討論這項計劃.