古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 幫忙翻譯壹下壹句廣告詞


這是雀氏(Chiaus)官網英文版下的的“品牌文化介紹”,故“天才第壹步,雀氏紙尿褲”的官方翻譯為:Chiaus Diapers is the First Need of a Genius.

(附讀音chiaus [t?aus])

...Brand sloganChiaus diapers is the first need of a genius

Brand positionThe top class of baby care products in the world

Core of BrandMeticulous care, the healthy growth. Chiaus has 17 progress of clean processes which bring baby a comprehensive protect,put truth emotion into brand, make all the parents to feel from their daily life that chiaus is not only an brand products but also with an concept to protect their babies in every minute...(來源: w w w . c h i a u s . c n / e n / a b o u t . a s p ? i d = 3 ,為發送成功,空格間開)

