古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 不,它不是用英語怎麽說


1、不,它不是用英語表示為:No, it's not。


No, it's not

1. No, it's not mine; it's been knocking around the house for years. ?

不, 那不是我的, 好幾年了這本書就扔在屋裏沒人管.

2. No, it's not as simple as that. ?

不然, 事情沒有那樣簡單.

3. She put up a hand to stop him. "No. It's not right. We mustn't." ?


4. " No , it's not Chang and Pai that have captured Yochow - it's Peng Teh - huai's Red Army!?

“ 取嶽州不是張桂軍呢!是***黨彭德懷的紅軍!

5. No, it's not. It's perfect. ?

不, 不涼. 水溫正好.

6. Mike : No , it's not a problem. I can see her in it. ?

不, 沒事. 我可以看她穿這件 婚紗.

7. Mrs. Lee: Oh, no, it's not me. My son Bill is sick. ?

李太太: 哦, 不, 不是我. 是我兒子比兒病了.

8. B No , it's not far. It's only about 10 minutes'walk. ?

B不是很遠. 步行只有10分鐘.

9. Ali : No, it's not delicious. Hot dogs and ice cream sandwiches are delicious. ?

不, 那不好吃, 熱狗和冰激淋三明治才好吃呢.

10. No, it's not. We an inspection and they didn't find anything. ?

不, 才不是. 我們檢查過但沒有找到不對的地方.

11. Justin: No , it's not. Your English is better than my Chinese! ?

賈絲汀: 不, 不對. 妳的英文比我的中文還要好!

12. No it's not some diabolical machine aimed at enslaving the human race. ?


13. Principal: No, it's not the computer room. It's the teacher's office. ?

校長: 不, 它不是妳的計算機的房間. 它是老師的辦公室.

14. Let me see , please. No, it's not mine. I think it's Tammy's. ?

讓我看看. 不, 不是我的. 我認為是泰米的.

15. PERSON BEHIND HER IN LINE : No it's not okay, there's a sign. ?

當然 不行, 這兒有標誌.