古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 損失的英語翻譯 損失用英語怎麽說

損失的英語翻譯 損失用英語怎麽說


sǔn shī

(失去) lose:

損失金錢 lose one's money

妳是不是因此受到損失呢? Did you lose by it?

軍隊損失慘重。 The army lost heavily.

損失3架飛機。 Three planes were lost.

(失去的東西) loss; wastage:

賠償某人損失 recoup sb. for his loss

不可彌補的損失 an irreparable loss

痛惜這壹巨大損失 lament this great loss

對財政損失提供保險 offer indemnity against financial loss

交易損失 trade loss

連續損失 successive losses

意外損失 uninsured loss

運費損失 loss of freight

戰鬥中遭到重大損失 suffer heavy losses in war

我的損失很大。 My losses have been very great.

健康的喪失比財富的損失更為重要。 Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth.

他的逝世是國家的重大損失。 His death is a great loss to his country.

法院判給他損失賠償費。 He was awarded his damage by the court.