It feels like we've been out at sea, 我感覺我們(坐著愛的航船)在人生世俗的河中航行
Whoa so back and forth that's how it seems 像往常能看見的壹樣來回晃蕩(是說有艱難險阻的意思吧!和直譯差的較多不過我覺得好壹點 哈)
Whoa and when I want to talk you say to me 我想說話的時候,妳對我說
That if it's meant to be, it will be, whoaa 如果有些事是註定的,就壹定會發生
So crazy in this thing we call love 所以(我們)(沈浸)在人們稱之為“愛情”的東西中並為之瘋狂
The love that we got that we just can't give up 我們的愛讓我愛不釋手
I'm reaching out for you 我像妳伸出(雙手)求救
Got me out here in the water and I 帶我離開這裏吧在世俗的河裏我……
I'm overboard 我掉下愛之船 跌落現實了
And I need your love 我需要妳的愛
Pull me up 使我停止(下沈)
I can't swim on my own 我壹人不會遊泳
It's too much 太現實太殘酷了 層層把我包圍了
Feels like I'm drowning without your love 感覺沒有妳的愛我就會淹死
So throw yourself out to me, my life saver 所以 快遊向我吧 我的(愛的)救生員
Life saver, oh life saver 愛的救生員啊 愛的救生員
My life saver, life saver 我的愛的救生員啊 救生員
Oh life saver oh wow 救生員
Never understood you when you say 當妳說話的時候 我永遠猜不透
Whoa wanting me to meet you halfway. 妳 (好像註定)在人生的路上等著我了
Whoa felt like I was doing my part (我也感覺)是在做我該做的
It can't think of you're coming up short 也想不到妳就這樣出人意料的出現了
It's funny how these things change 'cause now I see, ohh 這些世俗的事變的如此可笑 只因為我看清了
And now that we got it we just can't give up 既然我們相愛就不能輕易放棄
So crazy in this thing we call love 在人們稱之為愛的東西了如此瘋狂
I'm reaching out for ya 我像妳伸出(雙手)求救
Got me out here in the water and I 帶我離開這裏吧在世俗的河裏我……
I'm overboard 我掉下愛之船 跌落現實了
And I need your love 我需要妳的愛
Pull me up (Pull me up) 使我停止(下沈)
I can't swim on my own 我壹人不會遊泳
It's too much (It's too much) 太現實太殘酷了 層層把我包圍了
Feels like I'm drowning without your love 感覺沒有妳的愛我就會淹死
So throw yourself out to me, my life saver 所以 快遊向我吧 我的(愛的)救生員
It's supposed to be some give and take I know. 我假設付出就會有回報
But you're only taking and not given any more 但妳沒有付出卻只會索取
So what do I do? (So what do I do?) 那我該怎麽辦?
Cause I still love you. (Still love you Baby) 只因為我還愛著妳
You're the only one who can save me 妳是唯壹壹個可以救我的人
I'm overboard 我掉下愛之船 跌落現實了
And I need your love 我需要妳的愛
Pull me up (Pull me up)使我停止(下沈)
I can't swim on my own 我壹人不會遊泳
It's too much (It's too much) 太現實太殘酷了 層層把我包圍了
Feels like I'm drowning without your love 感覺沒有妳的愛我就會淹死
(I'm drowning baby I'm drowning)我快淹死了 寶貝我快淹死了
So throw yourself out to me, my life saver 所以 快遊向我吧 我的(愛的)救生員
Life saver, oh life saver 愛的救生員啊 愛的救生員
My life saver (its crazy, crazy crazy, yeah) oh life saver我的救生員(太瘋狂了 太瘋狂了)救生員啊
Oh life saver, Oh life saver
My life saver, life saver, oh life saver
Yeahh yeh