古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - longlongago歌詞




Tell me the tales that to me were so dear

Longlong ago, long, long ago

Sing me the songs I delighted to hear

Long, long ago, long ago

Now you are come all my grief is removed

Let me forget that so long you have roved

Let me believe that you love as you loved

Long, long ago, long ago

Do you remember the paths where we met

Long, long ago, long, long ago

Ah, yes, you told me you'd never forget

Long, long ago, long ago

Then to all others, my smile you preferred

Love, when you spoke, gave a charm to each word

Still my heart treasures the phrases I heard

Long, long ago, long ago

Tho' by your kindness my fond hopes were raised

Long, long ago, long, long ago

You by more eloquent lips have been praised

Long, long ago, long, long ago

But, by long absence your truth has been tried

Still to your accents I listen with pride

Blessed as I was when I sat by your side

Long, long ago, long ago
