古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - tire是啥意思啊



v.1. [i][t]~ (sb)(使)疲勞,疲倦,困倦to become tired and feel as if you want to sleep or rest; to make sb feel this wayIDMnever tire of doing sth不厭其煩地做to do sth a lot, especially in a way that annoys people.

n.— seealsospare tyre例句釋義:全部,輪胎,車胎,〈舊〉女用頭飾,疲勞,厭倦,疲倦,精疲力竭,外胎,使疲倦:Small children tire quickly when things become monotonous and need to be able to spend a good deal of time just playing.當事情變得單調時年幼的孩子很快就會變累。需要能夠花足夠的時間適當玩耍。