漢語翻譯n. 墳墓, 死亡vt. 埋葬英語解釋:名詞 tomb:a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)
同義詞:grave例句:A group of student placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero.壹群學生在那位民族英雄墓前獻上花圈。The archaeologist researched into the tombs of many of England's literary great.這位考古學家對許多英國文壇宗師的墳墓進行了研究。A tombstone stands in front of her tomb.她墓前立著壹塊墓碑。
Auggie, a little boy born with facial defects, was taught at home by his mother.天生面部缺陷的小男孩奧吉,從小由母親在家裏教導。
In the fifth grade, he finally had the opportunity to enter an ordinary school.五年級時,他終於有機會進入普通的學校學習。
Auggie, a newcomer to school, was ridiculed and bullied by her classmates because of her appearance.初進學校的奧吉因為自己的長相受到同學們的嘲笑和欺負。
But with the help of his father, mother, sister, teacher and friends, he finally found self-confidence and changed the views of others with his own actions.但是在父親、母親、姐姐、老師以及好友的幫助下,他最終找到了自信,並用自己的行動改變了其他人的看法。