2、虛擬語氣的用法壹般是:對現在的虛擬:would+do;對過去的虛擬:would(not)+have done。
3、而should have done通常表示本來該做卻沒有做(表示後悔遺憾的感情)。
1、You use otherwise after stating a situation or fact,in order to say what the result or consequence would be if this situation or fact was not the case.Make a note of the questions you want to ask.You will invariably forget some of them otherwise
2、You use otherwise before stating the general condition or quality of something,when you are also mentioning an exception to this general condition or quality.The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab city.
3、You use otherwise to refer in a general way to actions or situations that are very different from,or the opposite to,your main statement.Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day,unless advised otherwise by a doctor.
4、You use otherwise to indicate that other ways of doing something are possible in addition to the way already mentioned.The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work,and otherwise controlling their lives.
5、You use or otherwise or and otherwise to mention something that is not the thing just referred to or is the opposite of that thing.It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence.