古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 呵呵用英語怎麽說


呵呵英文:[hah-hah];[the sound of laughing];[ho ho ho]。讀法:英[h][h];美[ho][ho]。


Ma ha ma ha 好甜的聲音。wa ha ha ha 哈哈哈。ha ha hum ha 呵呵吽壑。Ha-Ha a 幽默感。ha wo ha 秀舞。


1、今天早上,他不像平素那樂呵呵的樣子。He's not his usual happy self this morning.?

2、經理胖乎乎樂呵呵的。The manager was fat and jolly.?

3、“哈哈,呵呵,”他哈哈大笑。'Ha ha, ho ho,' he chortled.?

4、他咧著嘴笑呵呵的。He had a grin on his face like a Cheshire Cat.?

5、她是個心地善良、整天樂呵呵的女人。She was a jolly, kindhearted woman.?