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> 樂兜兒童成長中心

樂兜兒童成長中心是普羅米修斯中國教學基地。英國普羅米修斯集團提供世界頂尖白板教育技術,擁有世界最大的全球教師資源分享網絡。致力於促進教育創新,提高教育效能。普米ActivClassroom在全球100多個國家為1,200萬學生提供教育服務。 Promethean is a world leader in the rapidly growing global market for interactive learning technology. Promethean\s aim is to unlock the potential of human achievement in education and training at all ages around the world. Promethean’s ActivClassroom technology is today helping educate over 12 million individuals in over 500,000 classrooms in some 100 countries.我們采用英國幼兒園優質課程,經過英國頂級教育咨詢機構劍橋教育的多名早期教育專家參與本土化開發,形成壹套適應於中國0-12歲兒童發展的國際課程體系。Leaping Tots Growth Center is recognized as high-quality education provider for our playful environment, international education program and parent-friendly services. Our aim is to nurture happy, confident and independent children who have benefited from our varied and well-directed UK early education programme. 同時作為Globalgateway在中國的指定合作教育機構,我們與多所英國幼兒園和小學合作,開展中英兒童親善交流活動,構築中國兒童在國際化背景下的成長平臺。Leaping Tots is also authorized to be a member of Global Gateway. It is now listed on the Global Gateway. The schools listed on the Global Gateway have been verified as being schools that are recognised by the education authorities in those countries. 在樂兜,讓您的孩子與英國兒童同步成長! 歡迎熱愛兒童教育事業的人士加入!