魔爾公寓.上海金鐘路店座落於長寧區虹橋臨空經濟園區,毗鄰淩空SOHO和地鐵2號線淞虹路地鐵站,4站距離至中山公園CBD,2站距離至虹橋樞紐及國家會展中心。是商務人士的位置。目前***100套房間,主力房型以單房式公寓和壹房壹廳式公寓,大樓壹,二樓為聯合辦公。 MORE Residence?Jinzhong road located at Hongqiao Airport Economic Zone in Changning district, next to SKY SOHO and Hongsong road subway station of line 2, 4 subway station from Zhongshan park , 2 subway station form Hongqiao Transportation Hub and National Exhibition and Convention Center. The location is the first choice of business person. We have 100 apartments , main are suit apartments and studio apartments, the 1st and 2nd floors are coworking.