It is directed by Seiji Mizushima and written by Yōsuke Kuroda, and features character designs by Yun Kōga. The series was first officially announced by Sunrise during a 15-second trailer on June 2, 2007. Gundam 00 will consist of two seasons, with the first one containing 25 episodes. The second season began airing on October 5, 2008 and had its first trailer released on July 13, 2008.Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is the first Gundam series to be animated in high-definition, as well as the first to be set in the non-fictional Anno Domini era.
The series is set in a futuristic Earth and centered around Celestial Being, a private paramilitary force and their efforts to rid the world of war and conflict with a series of unique and highly effective mobile suits known as "Gundams".