Marine MuseumToday, I went to the Shanghai ocean aquarium with my father and mother. First of all, we come to a show of toxic aquatic organisms. I saw a lot of poisonous fish inside, such as: sea urchin, jellyfish, puffer fish and sea snakes etc.. The puffer fish is mainly distributed in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific, it is a little bit of venom can in just a few minutes to kill.Then, I came to the Yangtze River Basin, and saw a lot of water living in the Yangtze River Basin. A tortoise, Yang Zie, a Chinese sturgeon...... I also take part in the environment. Know the human over kill fish, pollute the water, build the dam...... Cause a lot of fish are on the verge of extinction, we should protect fish.Finally, we go through a tunnel, saw a lot of fish, there are sharks, there is a devil fish, fish...... Many sharks have sharp teeth, imagine when they prey how fierce ah!So, we ended the day of the trip, but I bought the ticket, I will come next time.