古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - java(tm) plug-in 2 ssv helper是什麽

java(tm) plug-in 2 ssv helper是什麽

通俗的來講,Java(TM) plug-in 2 SSV Helper是瀏覽器運行時附帶加載的壹個插件,Java應用程序利用此插件來支持工具欄,BHO,瀏覽器欄等。它主要用於在瀏覽器上運行java小程序時構建java的運行時環境,打個比方,妳家好比是瀏覽器,妳需要把煤氣竈打開來提供壹個高溫環境才能炒菜做飯,而這個插件就好比煤氣竈。如果需要在Internet Explorer中查看瀏覽器中的Java應用程序和插件,您應該保留Java(tm)Plug-In 2 SSV Helper;如果妳不需要在瀏覽器上運行java小程序(比如是妳的個人電腦而不是公司的並且妳不是做軟件開發的等情況),完全可以禁用該插件的加載。




Java is a programming language. You need something called the Java Runtime Environment to run programs written in Java. The Plugin is part of that. A small number of websites also use this. The Java Runtime Environment will appear in Programs and Features in the Control Panel and can be uninstalled from there. Unfortunately, there is a bug in the uninstallation that leaves the entry for the plugin in the Internet Explorer Manage Addons window after Java is uninstalled. This is harmless because the file has been deleted. To remove the entry in Manage Addons would require editing the Registry.

This bug has been known since at least 2008, but nothing seems to have been done about it.

The "SSV Helper" is not the main add-on for Java and we can still run Java applications from the Internet with it disabled. The question was what does this particular add-on do and the implications of disabling it.

The overwhelming number of near-useless, tautological replies to this question here and elsewhere is pretty disappointing.

Here is what I discovered, buried in this bug report on Sun's Java community:

"This object is responsible for a propagation of Java Plug-in settings from admin account to all regular (non admin) user accounts. In other words if SSVHelper is registered with IE then the only thing admin needs to do in order to switch from a new Java Plug-in to an old Java Plug-in is to run from a command line: ssvagent.exe -high -jpisetup -old or uncheck a checkbox "Enable the next generation Java Plug-n" in Java Control Panel. In both cases changes will be propagated to non admin user accounts."

Therefore, if you are not in a managed, Enterprise environment—as in, this is your own personal computer—then the SSVHelper Java Browser Helper Object does nothing useful for you, and can be safely disabled.