妳理解了DoS攻擊的話,它的原理就很簡單。如果說計算機與網絡的處理能力加大了10倍,用壹臺攻擊機來攻擊不再能起作用的話,攻擊者使用10臺攻擊機同時攻擊呢?用100臺呢?DDoS就是利用更多的傀儡機來發起進攻,以比從前更大的規模來進攻受害者。從拒絕服務攻擊誕生到現在已經有了很多的發展,從最初的簡單Dos到現在的DdoS。那麽什麽是Dos和DdoS呢?DoS是壹種利用單臺計算機的攻擊方式。而DdoS(Distributed Denial of Service,分布式拒絕服務)是壹種基於DoS的特殊形式的拒絕服務攻擊,是壹種分布、協作的大規模攻擊方式,主要瞄準比較大的站點,比如壹些商業公司、搜索引擎和政府部門的站點。DdoS攻擊是利用壹批受控制的機器向壹臺機器發起攻擊,這樣來勢迅猛的攻擊令人難以防備,因此具有較大的破壞性。如果說以前網絡管理員對抗Dos可以采取過濾IP地址方法的話,那麽面對當前DdoS眾多偽造出來的地址則顯得沒有辦法。所以說防範DdoS攻擊變得更加困難,如何采取措施有效的應對呢?
BIG-IP 的最新版本已經被 ICSA 實驗室認證為壹款網絡防火墻,能夠幫助客戶保護其面向公眾的網站免受大規模網絡攻擊。這款新認證的解決方案,以競爭對手解決方案相同的成本處理其8倍的流量。
F5's BIG IP family of products can be deployed as virtual solutions or on a series of purpose-built application delivery controllers. From network firewall, DDoS protection, SSL offload, DNS security, application security, and access security to traffic management, application acceleration, and much more, the BIG-IP system is a strategic point of control to ensure your applications are always fast, secure, and available.
The modular BIG-IP system is built on F5’s TMOS full proxy architecture, which offers tremendous performance, scalability, and customization. Using F5’s event-driven iRules, application, security, and network teams can quickly build new services that inspect, transform, and direct application traffic.
The BIG-IP family consists of the BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager, BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager, BIG-IP Access Policy Manager, BIG-IP Application Security Manager, BIG-IP WebAccelerator, and BIG-IP WAN Optimization Manager solutions. All can be deployed as standalone or layered solutions.