1、I love children's innocence and lack of guile.我愛兒童的天真無邪不狡獪。
2、The company's report says fMRI tests show the defendant's claim of innocence is not a lie.該公司的報告說,fMRI實驗表明被告聲稱無罪不是壹個謊言。
3、Children lose their innocence as they grow older.兒童隨著年齡的增長而失去其天真。
4、She has proved her innocence to us.她已向我們證明她是無罪的。
5、The idea of a "civilian" depends on an association between innocence and the non-combatant.平民的概念是取決於無辜和非參戰的結合。
6、No doubt,such a person loses some of his innocence and unconcern;毫無疑問,這樣的人會失去壹些天真和無憂;
7、Proving his innocence has become a matter of honour.證實他的清白已經成了壹件道義上的事。
8、The accused man proved his innocence of the crime被告人經證實無罪。
9、The lawyer proved the innocence of his client.律師證實了他的當事人的清白。
10、He offered to avouch his innocence with his sword.他表示願以劍來保證他是無辜的。