古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - ascend是什麽意思及反義詞 翻譯ascend的意思

ascend是什麽意思及反義詞 翻譯ascend的意思

英音 [?'send]?;,美音 [?'send]?;, 動詞:

正式上升,升高,登高,形容詞 ascendable,ascendible,時態 ascended,ascending,ascends,這些動詞均含有“攀登,上升”之意。



mount書面用詞,詞義與ascend相近,強調連續不斷地向上移動、攀登或上漲。指騎馬時用mount。,e up, of celestial bodies,travel up,,go along towards (a river's) source,bee king or queen,go back in order of genealogical succession,slope upwards,ascend in 乘坐…上升 ,ascend to 上升到,爬上,追溯到… ,ascend into heaven 升入天空,升天,死 ,ascend from 從…升起 ,ascend the social ladder 飛黃騰達, 登上社會的上層 ,ascend stairs 上樓梯 ,ascend v.[I,T]正式上升,升高,登高,ASCEND =Advanced System for Communications and Education in National Development 民族發展高級通信與教育系統([美]Stanford