歌曲when we stand together什麽意思? 全歌曲翻譯。
再壹次只能依靠祈禱One more depending on a prayer MV 圖片 我們都轉身漠視And we all look away人們無處不在掩飾People pretending everywhere這只是平凡的又壹天It's just another day子彈在空中呼嘯There's bullets flying through the air他們卻依然在戰爭And they still carry on When We Stand Together 吉他譜 我們對那裏發生的壹切熟視無睹We watch it happen over there只是之後關掉了電視And then just turn it off(Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)我們必須要站在壹起We must stand together沒有屈服,沒有妥協,沒有讓步There's no giving in永遠手牽手Hand in hand forever那才是我們勝利的時刻That's, that's, that's when we all win他們告訴我們什麽都還好They tell us everything's alright我們只是隨聲附和And we just go along我們怎能在夜晚安然入睡?How can we fall asleep at night?多少事我們明知道錯了When something's clearly wrong什麽時候我們才能讓世界不再饑餓When we could feed a starving world即使用我們所浪費的壹切With what we throw away可是我們只有寥寥的口號But all we serve are empty words壹直都是如此That always taste the same讓正義與愛指引我們The right thing to guide us就在這裏,就在我們心中Is right here, inside us沒有任何人可以分離我們No one can divide us即使希望非常渺茫When the light is nearly gone如同我們的心跳But just like a heartbeat咚咚的鼓聲正在敲響The drumbeat carries on那就是我們的心跳,咚、咚、咚(Just like a heartbeat)(Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)