Beautiful
by
James
Blunt
My
life
is
brilliant.
My
love
is
pure.
saw
an
angel.
Of
that
I'm
sure.
She
smiled
at
me
on
the
subway.
She
was
with
another
man.
But
won't
lose
no
sleep
on
that,
'Cause
I've
got
a
plan.
You're
beautiful.
You're
beautiful.
You're
beautiful,
it's
true.
saw
you
face
in
a
crowded
place,
And
don't
know
what
to
do,
'Cause
I'll
never
be
with
you.
Yeah,
she
caught
my
eye,
As
we
walked
on
by.
She
could
see
from
my
face
that
was,
Fly
high.(Fucking
high)
And
don't
think
that
I'll
see
her
again,
But
we
shared
a
moment
that
will
last
till
the
end.
You're
beautiful.
You're
beautiful.
You're
beautiful,
it's
true.
saw
you
face
in
a
crowded
place,
And
don't
know
what
to
do,
'Cause
I'll
never
be
with
you.
You're
beautiful.
You're
beautiful.
You're
beautiful,
it's
true.
There
must
be
an
angel
with
a
smile
on
her
face,
When
she
thought
up
that
should
be
with
you.
But
it's
time
to
face
the
truth,
will
never
be
with
you.
中文歌詞:
我的
生活如此美好
我的愛情如此純真
我遇見了心中的天使
對此我深信不疑
在寂靜的地下軌,她朝我微笑
身邊有
另壹個男人
跟隨
我不會因此失魂
因為我暗自下了決心
妳是如此美麗,妳是如此美麗
妳如此美麗,無人可以否認
妳的臉龐在人群中突顯
我全然不知如何是好
也許我永遠都不能跟妳在壹起
當我們擦肩而過
我的雙眼完全被她吸引
她能從我表情看出
我有多麽的興奮
也許這是我們唯壹的邂逅
但這壹刻會成為我們的永遠
妳是如此美麗,妳是如此美麗
妳如此美麗,無人可以否認
妳的臉龐在人群中突顯
我全然不知如何是好
也許我永遠都不能跟妳在壹起
妳是如此美麗,妳是如此美麗
妳如此美麗,無人可以否認
壹定會有位臉帶笑容的天使
我會壹直在
她身邊
但還是接受現實吧
我永遠都不會跟妳在壹起