American English 美語 British English 英語
公寓 apartment flat
bathroom/restroom toilet
罐頭 can tin
糖果 candy sweets
洋芋片 chips crisps
餅幹 cookie biscuit
玉米 corn maize
對方付費電話 collect call reverse charge call
嬰兒床 crib cot
尿布 diaper nappy
電梯 elevator lift
橡皮擦 eraser rubber
壹樓 first floor ground floor
手電筒 flashlight torch
薯條 french fries chips
垃圾桶 garbage can dustbin
汽油 gas, gasoline petrol
果醬 jelly jam
汽車的引擎蓋 hood bonnet
生氣 mad angry
數學 math maths
餐巾、擦嘴巾 napkin serviette
絲襪 panty-hose, pantihose tights
薯片 potato chips crisp
手提包 purse/pocketbook handbag
足球 soccer football
來回票 roundtrip return
人行道 sidewalk pavement
爐子 stove cooker
毛衣 sweater jersey, jumper
卡車 truck lorry
汽車後面的行李箱 trunk boot
假期 vacation holiday
abc American English 美語 British English 英語
考古學 archeology archaeology
目錄 catalog catalogue
文明 civilization civilisation
顏色 color colour
馬路牙子 curb kerb
抵抗 defense defence
草稿 draft draught
最愛 favorite favourite
榮譽 honor honour
珠寶 jewelry jewllery
組織 organization organisation
練習 practice practise
輪胎 tire tyre
It was a Tuesday and he wasn't back at work until the Wednesday.
I had been out of hospitable for six weeks.
英式英語:at the weekend 美式英語:on the weekend
英式英語:Some parents are talking about keeping their children off school.
美式英語:Some parents are talking about keeping their children out of school.
美式英語 英式英語
高速公路 freeway motorway
電梯 elevator lift
餅幹 cookie biscuit
雨傘 umbrella brollie
汽油 gas,gasoline petrol
汽車 automobile car
大學校長 president chancellor
足球 soccer football
假期 vacation holiday
美式英語 英式英語
color colour
favorite favourite
honor honour
4.發音的差異也很大。例如 schedule,advertisement。