應該是Somewhere only we know。
《Somewhere Only We Know》是由Keane基音樂團演唱壹首歌曲,也是Keane樂隊的首支單曲,登上英國金榜TOP 3,成為各大樂評人眼中的“21世紀披頭士”。
Somewhere Only We Know?只有我們知道的地方,
I walked across an empty land 我走過壹片空曠的土地,
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand 我對這條小路了若指掌。
I felt the earth beneath my feet 感覺著我腳下的土地 ,
Sat by the river and it made me complete 坐在河邊使我感到完整。
Oh simple thing where have you gone 簡單的壹切,妳去哪裏了?
I‘m getting old and I needsomething to rely on 我變老了,需要有所依靠。
So tell me when you're gonna let me in什麽時候妳才能收留我呢?
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin我已經筋疲力盡希望能重新開始
I came across a fallen tree 我無意中發現壹顆枯萎的樹,
I felt the branches of it looking at me 感覺到樹枝在看著我。
Is this the place we used to love? 這是我們曾經愛過的那個地方嗎?
Is this the place that I‘ve been dreaming of? 這是我壹直夢著的地方嗎?
Oh simple thing where have you gone哦,簡單的壹切,妳去哪裏了?
I‘m getting old and I need something to rely on 我變老了,需要有所依靠。
And if you have a minute why don‘t we go 如果妳有壹點時間為什麽我們不離開?
Talk about it somewhere only we know? 說說只有我們知道的地方
This could be the end of everything 這將是壹切的結束
So why don‘t we go 那麽我們為什麽不去,
Somewhere only we know? 壹個只有我們知道的地方?
Oh simple thing where have you gone哦,簡單的壹切,妳去哪裏了?
I‘m getting old and I need someone to rely on 我變老了,需要有所依靠
So tell me when you‘re gonna let me in 所以告訴我妳什麽時候才能接受我
I‘m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin?我累了,需要開始的地方
And if you have a minute why don‘t we go 如果妳壹點時間為什麽我們不離開?
Talk about it somewhere only we know? 說說只有我們知道的地方
This could be the end of everything 這是壹切的結束
So why don‘t we go 那麽我們為什麽不去,
Somewhere only we know?壹個只有我們知道的地方?