古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 鴯鶓英文介紹


Emu is a large, flightless Australian bird(Dromiceius novaehollandiae) related to and resembling the ostrich and the cassowary. 鴯鶓壹種大型、不會飛的澳大利亞鳥(鴯鶓鴯鶓科),同鴕鳥與食火雞類似且有血緣關系

Emus grow to almost two metres and can run at nearly 5 kph.鴯鶓身高可達兩米,跑速可達每小時近5公裏。

It is respected throughout the world for it' s legendary protective instincts. However, it is known to flap aimlessly when attacked by any member of the Keano Massivus species.地球人都知道鴯鶓傳奇般的自衛本能,但是,大家也知道他在受到基恩這種大塊頭的襲擊時卻只能漫無目的的亂拍翅膀。