英英釋義:the level of someone’s ability, intelligence etc, or the standard or quality of something, especially when it is high
例句:The caliber of teaching at this high school is very high.
2. 體會這個詞 (進階篇)
“caliber”是個不可數名詞,最常見的意思是“質量”,也常常用來表示“素質”。我們常常可以用它來替換常見的 quality,是個在口語和寫作中都會讓人眼前壹亮的實用表達。
Justin 老師在英文隨筆中就多次用到了 caliber。比如在用英文吐槽《紐約客》的訂閱體驗時他寫道:
The subscription experience proves to be unworthy of the brand and caliber for which The New Yorker is known.
Justin 老師在描寫瑞幸咖啡的高品質標簽時寫道:
It boasts three major highlights: premium Arabica coffee beans, recipes devised by award-winning baristas, and fresh brewing, all signs of high caliber.
我們平時說的“高質量”“高素質”就是“high caliber”,口語之中想說“教學質量非常高”就可以說成:
The caliber of teaching at this high school is very high.
《經濟學人》中也經常使用 caliber,比如:?
Our aim is not to predict the winner in Russia, which can be done best by looking at a team's recent results or the calibre of its squad. (要註意 caliber 的英式寫法是 calibre。這裏的 calibre of its squad 指的是這個足球隊的素質)?
Regardless of family income, a graduate from one of the Ivy League-calibre institutions, has roughly a two-thirds chance of making it into the top 20%.
我們可以從這句話中學到 caliber 的靈活用法,Ivy League-calibre 指的是“有常春藤級別質量的”。句中的 20% 指的是社會地位最高的 20%。
3. 從認識到會用(作業)
很多落後地區的年輕人依然渴望優質的教育。? Many young people from underdeveloped areas are still eager for caliber education.
(參考翻譯: Many young people in under-developed areas still have a huge thirst for a high caliber education. 或者 A high caliber education remains desirable for many youngsters in backward regions.)
I hope my child will become high-caliber talent in the future.