TwoCapulet's orchard.
第二場 同前。凱普萊特家的花園
[Enter JULIET]
Bring in cloudy night
immediately,spread thy close curtain,love-performing
night,That runaway's eyes may
winkand Romeo.Leap to these arms,untalked of and unseen.Come,civilnight,Hoodmy unmanned blood,batingin my cheeks,With thy black mantle;till strange love,grown bold,Think true love acted simple
modesty.Come,night;come,Romeo;come,thou day in night;For thou wilt lie upon the
wings of night.Whiter than new snow on a raven'sback.Come,gentle night,come,loving,black-brow'dnight,Give me my Romeo;and,when he shall die,Take him and cut him out in
little stars,And he will make the face
of heaven so fine,that all the world will be in love with night.And pay no
worship to the garishsun.O,I have bought the mansionof a
love,But not possessed it,and,though I am sold,Not yet enjoyed:so tediousis this day .O,here comes my nurse,And she brings news;and every tongue that speaks
But Romeo's name speaks heavenly eloquence.
[Enter Nurse,with
Now,nurse,what news?What hast thou there?the cords That Romeo bid thee
朱麗葉 讓陰沈的暮夜趕快降臨。展開妳密密的帷幕吧,成全戀愛的黑夜!遮住夜行人的眼睛,讓羅密歐悄悄地投入我的懷裏,不被人家看見也不被人家談論!來吧,黑夜!來吧,羅密歐!來吧,妳黑夜中的白晝!因為妳將要睡在黑夜的翼上,比烏鴉背上的新雪還要皎白。來吧,柔和的黑夜!來吧,可愛的黑顏的夜,把我的羅密歐給我!等他死了以後,妳再把他帶去,分散成無數的星星,把天空裝飾得如此美麗,使全世界都戀愛著黑夜,不再崇拜眩目的太陽。啊!我已經買下了壹所戀愛的華廈,可是它還不曾屬我所有;雖然我已經把自己出賣,可是還沒有被買主領去。這日子長得真叫人厭煩啊!我的奶媽來了。她帶著消息來了。誰的舌頭上只要說出了羅密歐的名字,他就在吐露著天上的仙音。奶媽,什麽消息?妳帶著些什麽來了?那就是羅密歐叫妳去拿的繩子嗎?
Ay,ay,the cords.
乳媼 是的,是的,這繩子。(將繩擲下。)
[Throws them down]
Ay me!what news?why dost thou wring thy hands?
朱麗葉 噯喲!什麽事?妳為什麽扭著妳的手?
NurseAh,well-a-day!he's dead,he's dead,he's dead!We are undone,lady,we are undone!Alack the day!he's gone,he's killed,he' dead!
乳媼 唉!唉!唉!他死了,他死了,他死了!我們完了,小姐,我們完了!唉!他去了,他給人殺了,他死了!
Can heaven be so envious?
朱麗葉 天道竟會這樣狠毒嗎?
Romeo can,Though heaven cannot:O Romeo,Romeo!Who ever would have thought
乳媼 不是天道狠毒,羅密歐才下得了這樣狠毒的手。啊!羅密歐,羅密歐!誰想得到會有這樣的事情?羅密歐!
What devil art thou,that dost torment me thus?Hath Romeo slain himself?say thou but 'I,' And that bare vowel'I'
shall poison more.Than the death-darting eye of cockatrice:' If he be slain,say'I';or if not,no:Brief sounds determine of my
wealor woe.
朱麗葉 妳是個什麽鬼,這樣煎熬著我?羅密歐把他自己殺死了嗎?妳只要回答我壹個 “是”字,這壹個“是”字就比毒龍眼裏射放的死光更會致人死命。要是他死了,妳就說“是”;要是他沒有死,妳就說“不”;這兩個簡單的字就可以決定我的終身禍福。
I saw the wound,I saw it with mine eyes,——God save the mark!——here on his manly breast:Pale,pale as ashes,all bedaubed in blood,All in gore-blood;I swooned at the sight.
乳媼 我看見他的傷口,我親眼看見他的傷口,慈悲的上帝!就在他的寬闊的胸上。壹個可憐的屍體,壹個可憐的流血的屍體,像灰壹樣蒼白,滿身都是血,滿身都是壹塊塊的血;我壹瞧見就暈過去了。
O,break,my heart!poor bankrupt,break at once!To prison,eyes,ne'erlook on liberty!Vile earth,to earth resign;end motion here;And thou and Romeo press one
heavy bier!
朱麗葉 啊,我的心要碎了!——可憐的破產者,妳已經喪失了壹切,還是趕快碎裂了吧!失去了光明的眼睛,妳從此不能再見天日了!妳這俗惡的泥土之軀,趕快停止呼吸,復歸於泥土,去和羅密歐同眠在壹個壙穴裏吧!
O Tybalt,Tybalt,the best friend I had!O courteous Tybalt!honest gentleman!That everI should live to see
thee dead!
乳媼 啊!提伯爾特,提伯爾特!我的頂好的朋友!啊,溫文的提伯爾特,正直的紳士!想不到我活到今天,卻會看見妳死去!
What storm is this that
blows so contrary?Is Romeo slaughtered,and is Tybalt dead?My dear-loved cousin,and my dearer lord?Then,dreadful trumpet,sound the general doom!For who is living,if those two are gone?
朱麗葉 這是壹陣什麽風暴,壹會兒又倒轉方向!羅密歐給人殺了,提伯爾特又死了嗎?壹個是我的最親愛的表哥,壹個是我的更親愛的夫君?那麽,可怕的號角,宣布世界末日的來臨吧!要是這樣兩個人都可以死去,誰還應該活在這世上?
Tybalt is gone,and Romeo banished;Romeo that kill'd him,he is banished.
乳媼 提伯爾特死了,羅密歐放逐了;羅密歐殺了提伯爾特,他現在被放逐了。
O God!did Romeo's hand shed
Tybalt's blood?
朱麗葉 上帝啊!提伯爾特是死在羅密歐手裏的嗎?
It did,it did;alas the day,it did!
乳媼 是的,是的;唉!是的。
O serpent heart,hid with a flowering face!Beautiful tyrant!fiend angelical!Dove-feather'd raven!wolvish-raveninglamb!Despised substance of divinest
show!Just opposite to what thou
justly seem'st,A damned saint,an honourable villain!O that deceit should dwell.In
such a gorgeous palace!
朱麗葉 啊,花壹樣的面龐裏藏著蛇壹樣的心!那壹條惡龍曾經棲息在這樣清雅的洞府裏?美麗的暴君!天使般的魔鬼!披著白鴿羽毛的烏鴉!豺狼壹樣殘忍的羔羊!聖潔的外表包覆著醜惡的實質!妳的內心剛巧和妳的形狀相反,壹個萬惡的聖人,壹個莊嚴的奸徒!啊!誰想得到這樣壹座富麗的宮殿裏,會容納著欺人的虛偽!
There's no trust,No faith,no honesty in men;all perjured,All forsworn,all naught,all dissemblers.Thase griefs,these woes,these sorrows make me old.Shame come to Romeo!
乳媼 男人都靠不住,沒有良心,沒有真心的;誰都是三心二意,反復無常,奸惡多端,盡是些騙子。這些悲傷煩惱,已經使我老起來了。願恥辱降臨到羅密歐的頭上!
Blisteredbe thy tongue for
such a wish!he was not born to shame:Upon his brow shame is
ashamed to sit;For 'tis a throne where
honour may be crowned Sole monarch of the universal earth.O,what a beast was I to chideat
朱麗葉 妳說出這樣的願望,妳的舌頭上就應該長起水皰來!恥辱從來不曾和他在壹起,它不敢侵上他的眉宇,因為那是君臨天下的榮譽的寶座。啊!我剛才把他這樣辱罵,我真是個畜生!
Will you speak well of him
that kill'd your cousin?
乳媼 殺死了妳的族兄的人,妳還說他好話嗎?
Shall I speak ill of him
that is my husband?Ah,poor my lord,what tongue shall smooth thy
name,When I,thy three-hours wife,have mangled it?But,wherefore,villain,why didst thou kill my cousin?Back,foolish tears,back to your native spring;My husband lives,that Tybalt would have slain;And Tybalt's dead,that would have slain my
husband:All this is comfort;wherefore weep I then?Some word there was,worser than Tybalt's death,That murder'd me:Tybalt is dead,and Romeo—banished;'That 'banished,'that one word 'banished,' Hath slain ten thousand
Tybalts.Tybalt's death Was woe enough,if it had ended there:But with a rear-wardfollowing,Romeo is banished,'to speak that word,Is father,mother,Tybalt,Romeo,Juliet,All slain,all dead.'Romeo is banished!' There is no end,no limit,measure,bound,In that word's death;no words can that woe sound.Where is my father,and my mother,nurse?
朱麗葉 他是我的丈夫,我應當說他壞話嗎?啊!我的可憐的丈夫!妳的三小時的妻子都這樣淩辱妳的名字,誰還會對它說壹句溫情的慰藉呢?可是妳這惡人,妳為什麽殺死我的哥哥?回去吧,愚蠢的眼淚,流回到妳的源頭。我的丈夫活著,他沒有被提伯爾特殺死;提伯爾特死了,他想要殺死我的丈夫!這明明是喜訊,我為什麽要哭泣呢?還有兩個字比提伯爾特的死更使我痛心,像壹柄利刃刺進了我的胸中。“提伯爾特死了,羅密歐放逐了!”放逐了!這“放逐”兩個字,就等於殺死了壹萬個提伯爾特。單單提伯爾特的死,已經可以令人傷心了;可是在提伯爾特的噩耗以後,再接連壹記更大的打擊,“羅密歐放逐了!”這句話簡直等於說,父親、母親、提伯爾特、羅密歐、朱麗葉,壹起被殺,壹起死了。“羅密歐放逐了!”這壹句話裏面包含著無窮無際、無極無限的死亡,沒有字句能夠形容出這裏面蘊蓄著的悲傷。——奶媽,我的父親、我的母親呢?
Weeping and wailingover
Tybalt's corse:Will you go to them?I will bring you thither.
乳媼 他們正在撫著提伯爾特的屍體痛哭。妳要去看他們嗎?讓我帶著妳去。
Wash they his wounds with
tears:mine shall be spent,When theirs are dry,for Romeo's banishment.I'll to my wedding-bed;And death,not Romeo,take my maidenhead!
朱麗葉 讓他們用眼淚洗滌他的傷口,我的眼淚是要留著為羅密歐的放逐而哀哭的。我要去睡上我的新床,把我的童貞奉獻給死亡!
Hie to your chamber:I'll find RomeoTo comfort you:I wotwell where he is.Harkye,your Romeo will be here at
night:I'll to him;he is hid at Laurence'cell.
乳媼 那麽妳快到房裏去吧;我去找羅密歐來安慰妳,我知道他在什麽地方。聽著,妳的羅密歐今天晚上壹定會來看妳;他現在躲在勞倫斯神父的寺院裏,我就去找他。
O,find him!give this ring to my true
knight,And bid him come to take his
last farewell.
朱麗葉 啊!妳快去找他;把這指環拿去給我的忠心的騎士,叫他來作壹次最後的訣別。(各下。)
by 聚有戲