/ ?d?str?kt; ˋd?str?kt/ n
part of a country or town having a particular quality 地區; 區域: mountainous, agricultural, outlying, poor, gloomy districts 山區、 農業區域、 邊遠地區、 貧窮地區、 黑暗地區 * the `Lake District (英格蘭西北部的)湖區.
area of a country or town treated as an administrative unit 行政區: a `postal district 郵政區 * rural and urban districts, ie units of local government 鄉區和市區(地方行政單位) * [attrib 作定語] district `councils 區議會.
# ,district at`torney (US) (abbr 縮寫 DA) public prosecutor representing a State or the Federal government in a judicial district (代表州政府或聯邦政府在管區內執法的)地方檢察官.
,district `nurse (Brit dated 舊) nurse visiting patients in their homes 區域護士(在區域內登門服務者).
/ z?un; zon/ n
area, band or stripe that is different from its surroundings in colour, texture, appearance, etc (顏色、 質地、 外觀等與周圍不同的)區域、 環帶或條.
area or region with a particular feature or use (有某特點或用途的)區域或範圍: the erogenous zones of the body 身體的性感帶 * a nuclear-free, parking, war, time zone 無核區、 停車場、 戰區、 時區 * industrial, residential, etc zones 工業、 住宅...區 * smokeless zones, ie urban areas in which only smokeless fuels may be used in houses, factories, etc 無煙區(房屋、 工廠等中只準使用無煙燃料的市區) * Danger zone keep out! 危險區--不可靠近!
one of five parts (the `torridzone, North and South `temperate zones and Northand South `frigid zones) that the earth's surface is divided into by imaginary lines parallel to the equator 地球表面與赤道平行的五條設想的氣溫帶(熱帶、 北溫帶、 南溫帶、 北寒帶、 南寒帶)之壹.
(esp US) area within which certain railway, postal, telephone, etc charges apply (為鐵路、 郵政、 電話等計算費用的)鐵路段, 郵區, 電話分區.
> zonal / ?z?unl; ˋzonl/ adj relating to or arranged in zones (zone 2) 區域的; 分成區的; 劃成範圍的.
zone v [Tn]
1 divide or mark (sth or a place) into zones (zone 2) 將(某物或某處)分成或劃成區域或範圍.
2 assign (sth) to a particular area 將(某事物)劃歸某區域. zoning n [U].
/ ?e?r; ˋ?r/ n
(a) [U] extent or measurement of a surface 面積(表面的範圍或量度): The area of the office is 35 square metres. 辦公室的面積是35平方米. * The kitchen is 12 square metres in area/has an area of 12 square metres. 廚房的面積是12平方米. =>App 4 見附錄4. (b) [C] particular measured surface 面積(某壹量度的表面): Compare the areas of these triangles. 比較壹下這些三角形的面積. =>illus 見插圖. Cf 參看 volume 2.
[C] (a) part of a surface 表面的壹部分: Clean the area round the cooker. 把炊具周圍弄乾凈. (b) region of the earth's surface; district of a city, etc (地球表面的)地域; (城市等的)地區: mountainous, uninhabited, desert, etc areas of the world 世界上的山脈的、 無人居住的、 沙漠的地域 * Do you like the area (ie neighbourhood) where you're living? 妳喜歡妳居住的地區嗎? (c) space reserved for a specific use 留作某種用途的空間: a `picnic area 野餐區 * the re`ception area 接待處.
[C] range of activity or interest 領域; 方面: the area of finance, training, development, etc 財政、 訓練、 發展方面 * The meeting revealed certain areas of disagreement, ie matters on which those present did not agree. 會議上暴露出某些分歧之處(出席者意見不壹致的事項).
[C] small courtyard in front of the basement of a house, usu with access to the street 地下室前的小庭院(通常可通往街道): [attrib 作定語] sitting on the area steps 坐在地下室前小庭院的臺階上.
# `area code (US) dialling code identifying an area or region, used before the local telephone number 電話分區代號(用於當地電話號碼之前).