古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 美國留學個人陳述書寫誤區 美國留學個人陳述參考範文

美國留學個人陳述書寫誤區 美國留學個人陳述參考範文



  1. 內容冗雜,華而不實


  2. 誇誇其談,空話連篇








  5. 寫作不規範,用詞不當

 PS是很正規文書,不要用些口語化詞語(kinda, sort of, wanna, it's, can't, shouldn't),最好讓英語好人幫妳改改。作為壹個留學生,能把PS寫通順流暢絕對是加分項。


 Currently a student of chemistry at the Beijing Normal University, I am scheduled to graduate in June 1998 with a B. S. degree. The university has offered, on the basis of my outstanding academic record, to exempt me from the usually mandatory examinations for graduate studies, should I decide to join its M. S. program. After weighing all the pros and cons, I now prefer to pursue my graduate studies with your university, as I think it will put me on better footing for my career.

My interest in science in general and chemistry in particular was first fostered by my family, which has, for several generations, been made up of professionals. My grandfather graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Doctoral degree in engineering, a highly unusual accomplishment for a citizen of mainland China in those years. My father, a professor of mathematics, was my main source of inspiration during the three years when I studied with the Beijing Mathematics Olympic School. My mother, a senior engineer of chemical engineering, was the motivation behind me as I participated in a variety of scientific activities such as the Solar Energy Club. Such a family environment has bestowed on me a gift for natural science that I have never failed to take advantage of. It has been my dream to become an outstanding expert in the field of chemistry.

 Since I entered into the university over three years ago, I have studied diligently and conscientiously. With that, I have acquired a solid background in chemistry, mathematics and physics. With an overall GPA of 92. 29/100, I have, for three years running, kept myself as the very top student among the 114 undergraduates of my grade. I have not confined myself to my coursework, however. I have frequented the library and probably read more chemistry literature than most of other students. By satisfying my thirst for more knowledge, I have kept myself abreast of the new developments in chemistry around the world. I have also excelled in mastering foreign languages. Although I have never majored in the study of any particular language, my English proficiency has been improved to a point where it is comparable to that of most English majors in Chinese universities, and for that, I have been exempted from having to take an English course in the upper years. In recognition of my consistent excellence, I have been awarded the First-Class Excellent Academic Scholarship for three year.

 Education at the Beijing Normal University emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience. In the summer of 1995, I joined Professor Tian's team to work o the synthesis of inorganic materials. In 1996, professor Guo made me a member of his research team, which gave me good exposure to unsymmetrical synthesis. I am now carrying out (sophisticated) experiment under the direction of Dr. Wang. Through these arrangements, I have gained good experiences in laboratory research and greatly improved my skills for scientific experimentation. Starting from the beginning of next semester, I will be writing my graduation paper under the seasoned guidance of professor (zhong kexue), a research fellow from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

 As the Beijing Normal University specializes in training teachers, I have also taken quite a number of general education courses, such as phycology, pedagogy and teaching methods. And earlier this year, I was awarded the Excellent Teaching Assistantship for my outstanding performance during the internship at a high school.

 I did not allow my heavy load of study to deter me from taking part in extracurricular activities. As the chair of the charity survives committee on campus, I honed my organizing skills and augmented my work efficiency. Convinced that the meaning of life comes from helping others, I have always been most obliging whenever anyone comes to me for help, which has won me lots of friends. Such personality, combined with my intellectual vigor and determination, should stand me ready for any challenges.

 I am applying for acceptance into your program because I know that your country has leading the way in the development of chemistry, and I would like to put myself on the cutting edge of the field. I believe that your graduate school can offer the kind of academic quality and environment that I need. I am particularly interested in analytical and physical chemistry, as I have been fascinate by both its theoretical foundations and its practical promise. I am also interested in polymer chemistry and environmental chemistry. The completion of graduate studies with your program will not only enable me to realize my most cherished childhood dream but also put me in a much better position to serve my country.

 I would greatly appreciate it if you could give favorable consideration to my application for acceptance and financial aid.



 (英文全稱Test of English as a Foreign Language,簡稱TOEFL)由美國教育考試服務中心主辦,專門用來測試非英語國家學生的英語水平和掌握英語的熟練程度壹種考試。

 TOEFL是由美國教育考試服務處(Educational Testing Service)舉辦的為申請去美國或加拿大等國家上大學或入研究生院學習的非英語國家學生提供的壹種英語水平考試。 首先從主辦方上,相對雅思由英澳兩國兩家不同機構主辦,TOEFL由美國ETS完全獨立運營,能最大範圍適用於美國全國(全美所有大學、科研機構)。

 TOEFL在美國具有更高的認可度。幾乎全部美國高校都承認托福成績,雖然越來越多的院校開始願意同時接受托福和雅思成績,但托福成績優勢仍然很明顯,因為美國高校通常對雅思成績的要求比托福要高,這樣下來,學生還是考托福更為劃算壹些。 托福考試內容主要是衡量壹個應試者在學校環境內的英語使用水平。學生通過參加托福考試,將更有助於其出國後更輕松的融入美國高校的學習及生活環境。


 (英文全稱Scholastic Assessment Test,簡稱SAT)是由美國教育考試服務中心舉辦的學術水平測驗考試。SAT是美國高等院校決定錄取和評定獎學金發放的重要參考標準之壹。SAT分為SATⅠ和SATⅡ兩部分,其中SATⅠ為推理測驗,SATⅡ為專項測驗。


 SAT全稱是Scholastic Aptitude Test;由美國的大學理事會(College Board)舉辦。SAT成績是世界各國高中生申請美國名校學習及獎學金的重要參考。



 SAT成為"不得不"提交的成績。;隨著美國高校申請日趨激烈,越來越多的中國學子選擇通過提交SAT成績增加成功砝碼。從2005年近2000名中國高中生參加SAT考試到目前近五萬考生參考,參加SAT考試的考生數量還在逐年爆漲。 從形勢上看,SAT將是赴美中國高中生不得不參加的考試。


 (英文全稱American College Test,簡稱ACT)與SAT壹樣,也是美國高等院校決定錄取和評定獎學金發放的參考標準之壹。ACT同樣被很多美國大學承認,以美國中部和西部的院校居多。


 (英文全稱Graduate Record Examination,簡稱GRE)是美國留學申請研究生的入學考試,適用於除了法律(需LSAT成績)與商業(需GMAT成績)以外的其他各種學科與專業的研究生考試。它是美國研究生院選拔培養高級研究人才的重要依據,也是各大學研究生院決定是否向申請人提供獎學金資助的重要參考條件之壹。


 (英文全稱Graduate Management Admission Test,簡稱GMAT)由美國商學院研究所入學考試委員會委托美國教育考試服務中心舉辦的壹門測試。美國、英國、澳大利亞等國家的高校都采用GMAT考試的成績來評估申請入學者是否適合於在商業、經濟和管理等專業的研究生階段學習,以決定是否錄取。


 (英文全稱Law School Admission Test,簡稱LSAT),是美國法學院入學委員會法學院設置的入學資格考試,這些法學院多數分布在美國,少量在加拿大。幾乎所有的法學院都要求申請人提交LSAT成績,其成績作為法學院評估申請者的主要條件之壹,是壹項非常重要的衡量標準。