古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 句子翻譯15個中譯英


1那個女孩長什麽樣 What is the girl like?

2我的好朋友中等個,留著褐色的頭發 My friend is neither tall nor short with brown hair.

3艾米麗二十幾歲留著褐色的頭發 Amily is 22 years old with brown hair.

4我的奶奶經常去圖書館 My grandmother often goes to the libary

5學生們此刻正在打掃教室 The students are cleaning the classsoom now.

6請告訴我關於妳父母的壹些事 Please tell me something about your parents.

7妳的好朋友是什麽樣的人 What is your friend like?

8我的妹妹喜歡看書,她很聰明 My sister is fond of reading and she is very clever.

9我想喝茶妳呢 I would like drinking tea. What about you?

10妳的媽媽有兄弟姐妹嗎 Does your mother have any sister or brother?

11那個女孩經常幫父母做家務 The girl oftern help her parents with housework.

12瑪麗喜歡開玩笑 Mary likes making funs.

13我的妹妹學習很好 My sister is good at studying.

14我的叔叔很喜歡他,因為他很聰明 My uncle likes him very much because he is smart.

15他們想在這個周末壹起去看電影 They want to go to the cinema this weekend.