古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 2017年12月英語四級翻譯答案:黃山新東方在線版


#四六級考試# 導語2017年12月英語四級考試於12月16日進行,考後 考 網將為您帶來第壹手2017年12月英語四級真題及答案。以下為2017年12月英語四級翻譯答案:黃山新東方在線版,僅供參考。


 Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) is located in southern Anhui Province. The area is well known for its unique scenery, especially sunrise and sea of clouds. To enjoy the magnificence of a mountain, you have to look upwards in most cases. To enjoy Huangshan, however, you've got to look downward. Furthermore, Huangshan's moist climate facilitates the growing of tea trees, therefore the mountain is one of China's premier tea-growing areas. In addition, Huangshan has multiple hot springs which help prevent and cure skin illness. Huangshan is one of China's major tourist destinations and the most frequent subject of photography and traditional Chinese painting.