緩解的英文是remission。remissionn,緩解,寬恕,豁免,雙語例句,腦部掃描已經證實疾病有所緩解,Brain scans have confirmed that the disease is in?remission,英語是壹種西日耳曼語支,最早被中世紀的英國使用,並因其廣闊的殖民地而成為世界使用面積最廣的語言。
采取了壹系列措施緩解這個問題,A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem,醫生排掉了壹些液體以緩解壓力,The doctor drew off some fluid to relieve the pressure。
他們同意盡可能合作以緩解緊張局面,They agreed to work cooperatively to ease tensions wherever possible,藥物可以大大緩解疼痛,Drugs can relieve much of the pain,她的癌癥幾年來有所緩解,Her cancer has been in?remission?for several years。