古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 英文短語含義


gut feeling 直覺

tongue tied 發音不清的、舌頭打結

heady days 令人暈眩的日子、郁悶的日子

leave me high and dry 讓我陷入困境

all skin and bone 皮包骨

talk the hind legs off a donkey滔滔不絕地說個不停

head rush 頭暈

with a good head on your shoulders 良好的頭腦、聰明

put your shoulder to the wheel 鼎力相助、努力工作

heart-warming 感人的

toe the line 聽從、準備起跑

skinning you alive 活剝了妳的皮

let my hair down 讓我們放松壹下、不拘禮節

had the cheek 厚著臉皮

give an arm and a leg 付出昂貴的代價

to stomach her 忍受她

given her a leg up 支持她、鼓勵她

neck of the woods 附近壹代

after my own heart 正合自己的心意

keep your chin up 不要氣餒、別灰心

a bad hair day 不如意的壹天、不愉快的壹天

the shoulder i can cry on哭泣時依靠的肩膀

get something off my chest 說說心裏話吧

my womb 我的出生地

all teary-eyed 所有的眼中都含著淚

a head start 有利的開端

pulling your leg 拖後腿

from the bottom of my heart 衷心的
