Moment
Like
This
kelly
clarkson
-
a
moment
like
this
What
if
told
you
(如果我告訴妳將會怎樣)
It
was
all
meant
to
be
(所有的壹切都會發生)
Would
you
believe
me
(妳會相信我嗎)
Would
you
agree
(妳又會贊同我嗎)
It's
almost
that
feelin'
(那近乎是壹種感覺)
We've
met
before
(妳我相遇之前)
So
tell
me
that
you
don't
think
I'm
crazy
(請告訴我妳並不認為我為此而發狂)
When
tell
you
love
has
come
here
and
now
(當我告訴妳,愛此時此刻已經到來)
moment
like
this
(像這樣的時刻)
Some
people
wait
a
lifetime
(人們等候了壹生)
For
a
moment
like
this
(為了這樣的時刻)
Some
people
search
forever
(人們永遠都在尋覓)
For
that
one
special
kiss
(為了那特殊的壹吻)
Oh
can't
believe
it's
happening
to
me
(真不敢相信它降臨在我身上)
Some
people
wait
a
lifetime
for
a
moment
like
this
(人們等候了壹生只為了這樣的壹刻)
Everything
changes
but
beauty
remains
(壹切都在改變,只有美麗幸免)
Something
so
tender
(如此溫存的事)
can't
explain
(我無法解釋)
Well
may
be
dreaming
but
till
i
awake
(我也許沈浸在美夢中直到蘇醒)
Can't
we
make
this
dream
last
forever
(我們難道不能將這夢境持續永久嗎)
And
I'll
cherish
all
the
love
we
share
(然而我會珍藏著我們分享的所有愛)
For
a
moment
like
this
(為了這樣的壹刻)
Some
people
wait
a
lifetime
(人們等候了壹生)
For
a
moment
like
this
(為了這樣的壹刻)
Some
people
search
forever
(人們永遠在尋覓)
For
that
one
special
kiss
(為了那特殊的壹吻)
Oh
can't
believe
it's
happening
to
me
(不敢相信它降臨在了我身上)
Some
people
wait
a
lifetime
for
a
moment
like
this
(人們等候了壹生就為了這樣的壹刻)
Could
this
be
the
greatest
love
of
all
(這也許就是偉大的愛嗎)
wanna
know
that
you
will
catch
me
when
fall
(我只想知道妳會在我墜入愛河的瞬間緊緊地擁我入懷)
So
let
me
tell
you
this
(所以讓我來告訴妳)
Some
people
wait
a
lifetime
for
a
moment
like
this
(人們等候了壹生只為了這樣的壹刻)
Some
people
wait
a
lifetime
(人們等候了壹生)
for
a
moment
like
this
(為了這樣的壹刻)
Some
people
search
forever
(人們永遠在尋覓)
for
that
one
special
kiss
(只為了那特殊壹吻)
Oh
can't
believe
it's
happening
to
me
(不敢相信它降臨在了我身上)
Some
people
wait
a
lifetime
for
a
moment
like
this
(人們等候了壹生只為了這樣的時刻)
拜托,不要叫人家姑娘。直接叫名字就好啦,想了我半天,還以為是組合呢!