Due to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 in the beginning of last year, the Chinese government had issued a series of restrictive temporary policies aimed to effectively prevent imported cases. With increasing population vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines and the effective control of the pandemic in some countries and regions, these restrictive policies have been adjusted and liberalized recently. In this issue we are gathering some of your core concern and provide our interpretation (take shanghai as an example)
Started from last March, if foreign expats’ visa or residence permit was expired when he/she was in China, the visa or residence permit could be granted a 60-day automatic extension without submitting the extension application to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau. Is this policy still valid now?
Recently we have learnt from the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai Municipal that this policy will not be applicable any more. The applicants should submit his/her visa extension application to the local Exit-Entry Administration Bureau before its expiry.
Does an Invitation Letter required when an applicant apply for a Chinese visa for business or work now?
Yes, based on the current immigration policy, foreign expats who want to come to China for economy and trade or technology activities will need to obtain a PU Invitation Letter (issued by the Foreign Affairs Offices or the relevant competent authorities)to support their visa application. For those who want to come to China for work, besides the PU letter, they also need to provide valid Work Permit or the Notification Letter of Work Permit for their visa application.
是的,根據去年的政策要求,從事經貿、科技等活動的外國人需要憑中國境內政府機關(壹般為各省市外辦)簽發的邀請函(PU邀請函)到境外的中國使、領館申請新的商務簽證後才能來華; 而首次來華工作的外國人需要憑《工作許可通知》或居留許可已過期的外國人憑有效的《工作許可證》和PU邀請函到境外的中國使、領館申請新的工作簽證後才能來華。
1.From March 15, several Chinese Embassies/Consulates announced an notice on Visa Facilitation for Applicants Inoculated with COVID-19 Vaccines Produced in China, stated that foreign nationals and their family members visiting the mainland of China for resuming work and production in various fields need only to provide the documents required before the COVID-19 pandemic when applying for a visa if they have vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccines and can provide the vaccination certificates. Therefore if you have inoculated with Chinese vaccines, you can check with the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate for information whether you need a PU Letter or not.
2. And for some countries, if the applicant is holding a valid Work Permit, but the residence permit had expired after 28 March, 2020, he/she can also apply for a visa without PU invitation letter. The applicant can confirm with the local Chinese Embassy/consulate for detail information.
備註:自3月15日起,多個中國駐外使領館宣布對已接種中國生產新冠疫苗的外籍人員,可憑借相關的疫苗接種證明材料,按照疫情前的要求申請相關來華簽證(包括工作人員隨行家屬,來華探親、家庭團聚等),詳見 “對接種中國生產新冠肺炎疫苗人員赴華提供簽證便利的通知”。所以如果外國人在境外已經接種了中國產疫苗,可提前與當地中國使館確認,可能會免辦PU邀請函。
The applicants have received a Chinese Residence Permit and left China, can they come back to China with current valid Residence Permit?
Up to date, people holding valid Chinese Residence Permit for work, personal matters and Family reunion can enter China from most countries except coming from Belgium, Italy, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Russia, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Canada. Please avoid return to China from those countries.
Since the Chinese embassies/consulates in different countries have their own practices, we suggest you check with the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate for confirmation in ahead.