雅思大作文背黃金模板真的有用嗎?大作文分數為何提不高?雅思寫作考官是如何批改雅思大作文的呢?下面兩篇文章中就用實例為大家講解雅思考官是如何批改雅思作文的。希望對大家備考2012年雅思寫作考試有所幫助! 搜學留學發現,許多學生非常的重視各種“黃金模板”,可是許多同學背了很多的模板,最終的寫作分數卻仍然不理想。在下面的兩篇文章中就用實例為大家講解雅思考官是如何批改雅思作文的,同學們快來看看這些作文中的小錯誤背後都隱藏了什麽玄機吧。 雅思作文這樣批,系列壹 很多時候學生會從某某老師那裏獲取種種所謂的“黃金模板”,又或者是高舉考前必備壹本,視若雅思界的聖經。而不去管什麽“碰文”。而最最難過的卻是分數不給力,才知天道難酬勤!換個方式學吧,看看隔壁的“他”的作文中那些錯誤的背後是否隱藏了寫作的某些玄機。 請看下面這個小作文的開頭段,看似行文流水,實則欲哭無淚。 As can be seen from the table chart, it gives us the percentage of national consumer experience by category in 2002 in five different countries.談及套句,小作文中“As can be seen from…”曾被列為小作文必備佳句,而孰不知此句雖好,但native speaker 常把它放在主體段落開頭句。若論行文習慣,實在勉強。再者,“table chart”必會讓考官在批卷的疲勞中會心壹笑。但是烤鴨們,不知啊,妳讓他笑,他卻讓妳人比黃花瘦,盡管他是那樣的愛妳。此短語翻譯成中文叫“表格圖”,考生自是覺得挺有中國風的感覺。但考官會認為是“這table就是表格,也就是圖的壹種,還後面要是再加壹chart,再來壹圖。實為black sheep 壹族”啊!南部陳更要翻譯成“表格圖圖”?實在是具有喜感啊!再論“us”壹詞,感覺倒是親民派系, 考官考生壹家人啊。但是,雅思寫作,半學術文體,這詞總有點較為隨意。所以,寧為被動,隱去施動者,換成it can be seen ,或是it represents that 等句,或許會更好點。考生最無辜的地方就是下面的這個percentage。我們都知道,衣服表格不可能只有全圖壹個數據,又怎會遺忘名詞單復數的問題呢?最後那個“in 2002 in five different countries”,感覺起來好似是信息滿滿,不知道是否也是信心滿滿?語法老師告訴我們:當句子中同時有地點狀語和時間狀語時,壹般要把地點狀語放在時間狀語之前 。要知道,不走尋常路,那是考官的作風。考生要是也這樣做,哭泣大於微笑。 基於上述段落的分析,不知道同學們是否也會有所收獲?其實開頭段,自是不必非得寫的那叫壹個傾國傾城。簡單大方,信息全面,能夠統領全文,那就最好。妳,懂得了嗎? 雅思作文這樣批,系列二 People have, in rercent years, shown concern on the dire consequences of global warming and air pollution. Some people suggest that we should limit are travel(travelling) instead of car use. It seems to me that the objection against air travel is based on incorrect facts and stereotypes.(The)Vehicle is an integral segment of urban industrial civilization, mirroring contemporary life, in its best and unrest aspects. Just as machinery is integral to industrialization, air is central to world economy.(有邏輯關系嗎?)Air travels make it possible for people to move around the world freely and quickly. Today, the tips can be completed in a matter of hours. One can attend a meeting in Pairs and dinner in New York the same day. There is a growing recognition that air travels have several advantages, while(連接詞使用有誤,改成meanwhile)it can(補上主語) ensures(刪掉s) the growth of modern business such as international tourism, transportation and express delivery ,etc. Therefore, limiting air travel itself is a grave mistake ,that (非限定從句引導詞改成which)would be a severe blow to these industries and may even damage world economy. It’s true that one long-distance flight consumes more fuel and causes even more pollution than a car journey. But air trips have more outweight than car journey in the long journey (什麽意思?)and the numbers of passengers. However, cars also can release gases that pollution the air, and cause great damage human health. Giving up air travels for(應改成instead of) car journeys(什麽意思?) hoping there will be less pollution is certainly a fruitless act. According to the above analysis, we can observe that limiting air travels cannot solve the environmental problems. We should aim at developing cleaner fuels an more efficient engines that will allow us to enjoy travelling without putting the environment in danger 終極點評:結構安排較好,5.5基本保證。但細節錯誤過多,尤其是銜接手段較為機械。