作 詞: 昆西·瓊斯 席依達·蓋瑞特
作 曲:譚盾 昆西·瓊斯
兩位美國歌手喬納森·巴可和席依達·蓋瑞特深情演唱美國作曲家昆西·瓊斯與華人音樂家譚盾專門***同為本屆世博會創作的主題歌《Better City,Better Life》。音樂從清新的水樂開始,鼓者有節奏地敲打著盆中的清水,既是壹種獨特的打擊樂表現形式,又凸顯了人類文明與水的密切關系。接著,充滿爵士動感的樂隊將在升降臺上緩緩升起,而來自拉美的舞者則表演著熱情奔放的舞蹈。兩位美國歌手傾情獻唱,表達著他們對上海世博會的祝福,獨特的音樂,魅力四射的舞臺表現,生動詮釋“城市,讓生活更美好”的主題。
《Better City,Better Life》英文歌詞
We’re gonna see the world together.
Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.
Gonna heal the world together.
Ala nong,nong,nong-better life.
We’re gonna teach the world together.
Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.
gonna bring the world together.
La nong,nong,nong-better life.
We’re gonna teach the world together.
Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.
Gonna heal the world together.
La nong,nong,nong-better life.
We’re gonna teach the world together.
Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.
Gonna bring the world together.
La nong,nong,nong-better life.
Everything that we dream can come true
if we do what we try-you and I.
Together we can do much more,
when we could ever do alone.
We can make our planet green,
make our water fresh and clean.
Oh, ee-bu, ee-bu, ee-bu,
We all can rise –better city better life.
Teaching our children every day and they’ll find a better way.
Education is the key to help us learn from history.
we all can rise-better city better life.
Teaching our children every day and they’ll find a better way.
Education is the key to help us learn from history.
We’re gonna see the world together,
ala nong,nong,nong-better city.
Gonna heal the world together.
Ala nong, nong, nong-better life.
We’re gonna teach the world together.
Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.
Gonna bring the world together.
Ala nong, nong, nong.
Better city better life.