vt.
1.
忘記[+to-v][+v-ing][+(that)][+wh-]
forgot
posting
the
letter.
我忘了信已寄出。
Don't
forget
to
post
the
letter.
別忘了去寄信。
Sorry,
I've
forgotten
your
name.
對不起,我忘了妳的名字。
2.
忘記帶(或買等)
forgot
my
keys.
我忘了帶鑰匙了。
3.
不再把...放在心上
Let's
forget
our
disagreements.
我們不要再提我們之間的爭吵了。
4.
忽略;忽視;怠慢
Don't
forget
the
waiter.
不要忘了給侍者小費。
5.
不再考慮;放棄
If
we
can't
get
any
financial
backing,
we
might
as
well
forget
the
whole
thing.
如果得不到經濟上的支持,我們還是放棄整個計劃好。
vi.
1.
忘記[(+about)]
forgot
about
the
food
cooking
on
the
stove.
我忘記爐子上做的飯了。