古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 包用英語怎麽讀bag



1、He blew the bag up and then popped it between his hands.他把袋子吹鼓起來,然後用兩手砰的壹聲把它拍破。

2、I kick aside an abandoned bag of swimming gear, damp and mildewed.我把壹袋廢棄的潮濕發黴的遊泳用具踢到壹邊。

3、According to their survey, plastic bag use has fallen by two thirds as consumers grow accustomed to bringing their own reusable bags. 根據他們的調查,由於消費者慢慢習慣了自帶可重復使用的塑料袋,塑料袋的使用已經降低了三分之二。

4、This has been achieved by encouraging customers to re-use, use bags for life and charging 5pper carrier bag. 鼓勵消費者重復使用塑料袋和收取每個塑料袋5便士的費用達到降低塑料使用數量。