:
1.
business
line
2.
class
of
business
3.
scope
of
business
Examples:
1.
參加投標屬於我們的業務範圍。
Participation
in
tender
is
in
our
line
of
business.
2.
該公司業務範圍已擴大到汽車租賃。
The
company
has
branch
out
into
car
leasing.
:
1.
business
line
2.
class
of
business
3.
scope
of
business
Examples:
1.
參加投標屬於我們的業務範圍。
Participation
in
tender
is
in
our
line
of
business.
2.
該公司業務範圍已擴大到汽車租賃。
The
company
has
branch
out
into
car
leasing.