Lyu Xinhua, spoke *** an for the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, talks to media on the sidelines of a news conference on Monday. Wei Xiaohao / China Daily
香港鳳凰衛視女記者問: *** 反腐風暴不會停止,有消息稱最近有更大的老虎落馬,請問如何理解“更大的老虎”?
呂新華說:黨和 *** ,還有人民群眾,在反腐的問題上,我們的態度是壹致的。我套用壹個網絡熱詞就叫:大家都很任性。在這壹點上,沒有分歧。
I should say, the Party, the government, and the general public actually adopt the same attitude when it es to anti-corruption. So we can be said to be capricious in fighting against corruption, and we are entitled to be so.
現場翻譯用這句話巧妙解釋了這壹含義:No one has impunity.(沒有人可以免罰。)
Lyu said that in fighting corruption it's important to deal with any and all of it. There will be no "iron-cap princes" that have immunity, he said.(呂新華表示,在反腐鬥爭中,發現壹起查處壹起,發現多少查處多少,沒有不受查處的“鐵帽子王”。)
"Iron-cap princes" refers to 12 special princes during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) whose princely titles were to be "passed on forever" through generations. Other princes' sons could only inherit a title at a lower level.
鐵帽子王和其他親王相比,享有的特權壹是“世襲罔替”, 隔代不降爵;二是俸祿優厚,歲俸銀1萬兩,祿米1萬斛;三是賜予世襲罔替王府,又叫鐵帽子王府。