古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 請翻譯壹下這幾句話~


where have all the flowers gone? 所有的花兒都

where the flowers gone? 花兒到哪兒去了?

where have all the young girls gone? 所有的年輕的女孩兒都到哪兒去了?

where did they all gone? 他們都

where have all the young men gone? 所有的年青人都到哪兒去了?

where the soldiers gone? 那些戰士到哪兒去了?where have all the graveyards gone? 所有的墳墓都到哪兒去了?

where have all they gone? 壹切的壹切,都到哪兒去了?