茲證明:本單位職工xxx
.籍貫
河北省懷來縣
身份證號碼xxxxx
自19xx年至今,
在合肥市鐵四局四處職工醫院工作了xx年。目前xxx為本醫院口腔科主治醫師。
xxx近5年的收入如下
年份
月薪
年薪
聯系人
簽名
職位
聯系電話
聯系地址
安徽省合肥市張窪路鐵四局四處職工醫院
income
declaration
this
is
to
certify
that
our
company
staff,
xxx
who
hails
from
huailai
county,
hebei
province,
i/c
no.
xxxxxxxxx,
has
been
working
in
the
staff
hospital
of
4th
division
of
4th
railway
bureau
in
hefei
city
for___years
since
19xx.
at
present,
he
is
the
principal
physician
in
the
department
of
stomatology
of
our
hospital.
xxx’s
recent
years’
income
are
as
follows:
year
monthly
salary
annual
salary
contact
person
signature
position
telephone:
address:
staff
hospital
of
4th
division
of
4th
railway
bureau
zhangwa
road,
hefei
city,
anhui
province.