古詩詞大全網 - 漢語詞典 - expensive意思




It would be very expensive. I'm open to expensive.

租金會非常昂貴的 沒問題啊

Because it makes my very expensive office seem less expensive.

因為那讓我奢華的辦公室 顯得不怎麽奢華了

I would have had more if it wasn't so expensive.


She has to have it, but it is expensive.

她必須要治 但是非常昂貴

But I think the problem with all of these reimagined cars is that they're expensive, they're too expensive.

但我認為 這些現代化的老爺車存在的問題是 它們都太貴了 價格實在高得離譜

And not because the tickets were super expensive, even though they were super expensive.

不是因為票特別貴 雖然他們的確超級貴

You gotta wear the expensive shit to sell the expensive shit.


It's very expensive in one kind of way, but it's also very expensive in terms of the life that you've perhaps denied yourself.

從壹方面來說 這會非常昂貴 從生命的角度來說也是如此 妳可能否定了自己的生活

They can move an expensive pump, very expensive diggers, into the middle of nowhere and strip it bare, and they will battle and fight to protect that.

他們可以將昂貴的泵和挖掘機 搬到荒野中 就這麽放著 他們會為了保護它而戰

Which is very rare and very expensive.
