古詩詞大全網 - 經典古詩 - 英語作文八年級howtokeephealthy80字


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英語作文八年級 how to keep healthy 80字範文如下:

how to keep healthy?

Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health, but how to keep healthy? From my point of view,first,we need to learn how to adjust our psyc.

How to Keep Healthy?Nowadays,more and more people don`t value their healths.They always stay up late,do less exercise and eat much junk food and so on.So these bad habits make them ill.Do you know how?

How to keep helthy?

Everyone want to be healthy but how to keep healthy? Here are some advice.

First, you should have a healthy lifestyle, you need to go to bad early and wake up early.


