古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 揭露的英文reveal




she has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter.(她已拒絕透露她女兒的行蹤。)

The report was a device used to hide rather thanreveal problems.(這份報告不是揭露問題而是為掩蓋問題而耍的花招。)

Companies could be forced toreveal to consumers what information they hold.(公司可能會被迫向消費者透露他們掌握的信息。)

She crouched in the dark, too frightened toreveal herself.(她蜷縮在黑暗中,嚇得不敢露面。)

There are more things, which I won'treveal, that happen at the end of the novel to do with this.(與此相關的還有更多的事情發生在小說的結尾,不過我不會透露。)