古詩詞大全網 - 字典詞典 - 有誰要考英語的影視鑒賞啊 求重點

有誰要考英語的影視鑒賞啊 求重點


1.1.2. the 2nd stage: Classical Hollywood Cinema( 1920s-1950s)

The period of classical Hollywood cinema is usually taken to run from the early 1920s through to the late 1950s.Sound and color emerged in the period of Classical Hollywood cinema.聲音和顏色出現在經典好萊塢電影時期。Sound was first introduced in Don Juan(唐璜) in 1926 by Warner Brother .華納兄弟公司在―唐璜‖(1926)中第壹次使用聲音。

From the industrial perspective, the period of Classical Hollywood cinema is characterized by the emergence of the ―studio system‖ and the domination of five major companies (the so-called “Big Five): ? Warner Brother (華納兄弟公司), ? Loew’s-MGM (米高梅公司), ? Fox(福克斯公司), ? Paramount (派拉蒙公司) ? Radio-Keith-Orpheum (RKO雷電華公司).

Alongside the five majors were smaller companies(the “Little Three”): ? Columbia (哥倫比亞公司) ? Universal (環球公司) ? United Artists (聯美公司)

In classical Hollywood cinema, some of the main features of the ideology(電影的意識形態) are:Property, enterprise and initiative (財產、事業和進取心)are the fundamental American values; American as a Land of Happiness(美國是壹片樂土), even if they haven’t yet done so; The ideal female(理想女性)is wife and mother, perfect companion and mainstay of the home. 1.1.3. the 3rd stage: Post-classical Hollywood cinema (1960s--)

Hollywood faced a number of significance challenges from the 1960s onwards. In the New Hollywood period, a new generation of directors(新壹代導演) produced a lot of immense films(推出了壹系列膾炙人口的作品). Among them, Close Encounters was directed by Steven Spielberg(其中有史蒂文.斯皮爾伯格的“第三類接觸”).

1.2. Categorization of Genres(影片類型的分類)

Generally, generic categories are defined on the basis of subject matter(題材), formal properties(形式), style(風格) or affective response(觀眾的情感反應).

The table gives a schematic overview(縱覽,全面的評述) of how this approach might be used to identify genres:

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Categorization of GenresGenreDefining Criteria Differentiating CriteriaSocial Drama

Serious social topic

RomanceRomantic relationship between lovers

GangsterGangsters in urban AmericaWar FilmSpecific military conflictsScience FictionFuturistic technologies/future worldsFantasy(奇幻片)

Impossible worlds/fantastical charactersWesternAmerican West

DisasterNatural or man-made catastropheCrimeCriminal activities and investigationEpic(史詩片)

Biblical(有關聖經的) or ancient histrory


Presence of action set-piecesMusical

Presence of song and dance performance


StyleSpectacular events

ComedyIntended to generate laughter

HorrorIntended to horrifyThriller(驚悚片)

Intended to thrill

Subject Matter

Formal Criteria

Affective Response(觀眾的反應)