古詩詞大全網 - 四字成語 - 北極旅遊景點英文介紹 北極非常美麗的英文

北極旅遊景點英文介紹 北極非常美麗的英文


冰島是歐洲最西部的國家,位於北大西洋中部,靠近北極圈,冰川面積占8000平方公裏,為歐洲第二大島。海岸線長約4970公裏。全境3/4是海拔 400-800米的高原,其中1/8被冰川覆蓋。有100多座火山,其中活火山30多座。華納達爾斯赫努克火山為全國最高峰,海拔2119米。冰島幾乎整個國家都建立在火山巖石上,大部分土地不能開墾,是世界溫泉最多的國家,地熱資源豐富,所以被稱為冰火之國。多噴泉、瀑布、湖泊和湍急河流,最大河流錫尤爾騷河長227公裏。冰島全境遍布國家公園與自然保護區,其中最壯觀的是Myvatn自然保護區與Tingvellir、傑古沙龍、史卡法特(Skaftafell)等國家公園。史卡法特國家公園最著名的景點就是史瓦提(Svartifoss)瀑布;傑古沙龍國家公園內的傑古沙龍湖是在冰河底端所形成的壹個湖,深達100公尺。冰島國家基本信息:中文全名:冰島***和國英文名: The Republic of Iceland所屬洲: 歐洲位置: 北大西洋中部,靠近北極圈面積: 10.3萬平方公裏人口: 313,376人(2007年)民族: 冰島人語言: 冰島語宗教: 基督教路德宗首都: 雷克雅未克國家代碼: IS時差: 比北京快8小時貨幣與匯率: 冰島克朗國家電話區號: +354電壓: 230伏特、50赫茲國鳥: 白隼國花: 三色堇


Iceland is the most Western European countries, is located in the central North Atlantic, near the Arctic Circle, the glacier area of 8000 square kilometers, second of Europe's big island. Coasting grows about 4970 kilometers. Throughout 3 / 4 is the elevation of 400-800 meters plateau, among them 1 / 8 by a glacier. There are more than 100 volcano, the volcano 30 seat. Warner Dahl Hector Nuuk volcano is the national peak, 2119 meters above sea level. Iceland almost the entire country based on the volcano rock, most of the land can not be reclaimed, is the world's largest hot springs, is rich in geothermal resources, so called Binghuo country. Many fountains, waterfalls, lakes and river, the largest river in tin Yule Sao river is 227 kilometres long. Iceland throughout all over the country park and nature reserve, one of the most spectacular is Myvatn natural protection area and Tingvellir, Jie ancient salon, history caffet ( Skaftafell ) and other national park. History caffet National Park's most famous attractions is the SCHWARTE ( Svartifoss ) falls; Jie ancient salon National Park Jie ancient sand of Longhu is in the ice bottom end formed by a lake, 100 meters deep. Iceland national basic information: name in Chinese : the Iceland Republic English Name: The Republic of Iceland belongs to Delta : a European position: the central North Atlantic, near the Arctic Circle area: 103000 square kilometers, population 313376 ( 2007): Nation: Iceland language: Iceland Religion: Christian Lutheran capital: Reykjavik country code: IS time: 8 hours faster than in Beijing monetary and exchange rate: Iceland Republic national telephone area code: + 354 voltage: 230 V, 50 Hz bird: Bai Sun: pansy flower


"I..." I just out of a word, I can not speak it out, because I really don't know what to. I paused for a moment, oh, the truth to her say, "I do not intend to, every day will be sleeping, watching tv." She said: "so many times not to slip away? Time is like gold, you can grasp, it will experience its valuable; let it go, it is like a runaway horse, will runfaster. I'm going to the university entrance exam, taking advantage of the summer to prepare high schoolcurriculum, so that the school would not be too nervous, summer vacation is not white. You should have a goodplan, make full use of the long summer vacation." She had to shoulder the burden, tossed braids, looked at thepiece of the old table, apologetically said: "I do not like this, to teach you. I'm sorry, time is early fall. I should go."

In the summer, do not go to school free for me is a kind of enjoyment. Only a few days, I have homework to finish,then it is nothing to do. Gradually I got to sleep habits, people will become lazy.

No, I don't get out of bed at eight or nine. These days, but out of a sell tofu, at dawn to yell. The voice was less than the soprano, and are at my window "of hong".


The Earth has two pole1 areas, the South Pole (Antarctica) and the North Pole (the Arctic). Besides being on the opposite sides of the Earth, South Pole and North Pole have differences and similarities2.

One of the biggest differences is that the South Pole is a continent3 surrounded by oceans, but the North Pole is in the middle of the Arctic Ocean surrounded by continents.

The South Pole is much colder than the North Pole. The mean temperature of the year at the South Pole is -58℃, but the mean temperature of the year at the North Pole is -17.8℃.

South Pole and North Pole are also opposites when plants are considered. There are no tundra4 or tree lines on the South Pole but on the North Pole the tundra is well developed and a visible tree shrub5 line is identifiable6.

There are more mammals7 in the North Pole than that in the South.

The ice elevation above sea level is higher in the South than in the North.

The North Pole has less land area as compared to the South.

The South Pole has no terrestrial8 mammals, but the North Pole has several terrestrial mammals including fox, wolf and bear. Both poles, however, have similar marine9 life that includes whales, porpoises10 and seals.

No human activity exists on the South Pole outside scientific stations. The North Pole, on the other hand, has native people and ethnic groups living on the continents that surround the North Pole.












巴倫支海(Barents),位於挪威與俄羅斯北方,是北冰洋的陸緣海之壹。名字取自於該海域病逝的荷蘭航海家威廉·巴倫支 (William Barents)。





登陸挪威北角Cape Norway

北角之名來自於16世紀英國人理查德·查恩薩拉欲探訪到中國去的航路,將他命名的North Cape挪威語化了。1873年瑞典國王奧斯卡爾二世到訪之後,此地便名聲大作。

登陸後,將探訪世界知名挪威籍探險家Mr. Fridtjof Nansen 的探險故居, 由石頭毛皮堆砌而成,深刻體會探險家們的豪情壯誌。

Mr. Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930)

1888年到格陵蘭探險,是人類第壹次穿越格陵蘭的人。 1893年到1896年到北極探險,到達北緯86°14′的地方,是當時人類所到達的最高緯度。探險證明北極是 壹個深海盆。1896年以後,任大學動物學教授,並整理探險結果,提出北冰洋與格陵蘭之間有壹隆起的海脊。這個論斷後被證實,而被命名為南森海脊。